JAKARTA - Over the past decade, various infrastructure projects have been launched to strengthen connectivity and support an inclusive and sustainable economic transformation.
During this period, the Government has built 2,103 km of toll roads, 40 dams, 27 new airports, as well as other major projects such as the railway line and the capital city of the archipelago (IKN). Not only that, connectivity between regions is strengthened by the construction of TransPapua, Trans-Kalimantan, and TransSumatra lines, which are designed to connect areas that have been isolated so far.
These infrastructure projects are not only carried out by the government, but also by collaborating with various parties through the Government and Business Entity Cooperation (PPP) scheme, one of which is PT Indonesia Infrastructure Finance (IIF).
During his 15 years of investment, IIF has been mandated as an important catalyst in infrastructure development in Indonesia. As an infrastructure financing institution, IIF has played a major role in providing funding for strategic projects that support economic growth and improving the quality of life of the community.
Interim Chief Executive Officer/Chief Financial Officer IIF, Rizki Pribadi Hasan said, since its establishment until 2024, IIF has distributed financing to more than 150 infrastructure projects in various sectors with a commitment value of IDR 42.5 trillion.
"Infrastructure projects that we have financed have also gone through a series of evaluations and assessments in terms of social and environmental impacts," said Rizki, in a written statement. Wednesday 15 January.
For example, IIF has financed the construction of a power plant with a capacity of 693.9 MV which is capable of reducing GHG emissions by 419.33 tons of CO2e or equivalent to planting 147,135 trees and serving 637,644 households or the equivalent of 2.8 million people. IIF has also financed the construction and operation of toll roads along the 419.13 km which can accelerate travel times up to 37.37 minutes.
From the drinking water sector, IIF has financed the construction of a Drinking Water Supply System (SPAM) with a capacity of 27,501 liters/second capable of serving 1.38 million households or the equivalent of 6.78 million people to finance airport construction with an capacity of 600 flight routes so that it is able to serve more than 700 thousand passengers/day.
Thanks to hard work as in previous years, in 2024 IIF again won a series of national and international awards, such as the 2024 CorporateTreasurer Awards in the Best ESG Service Provider and Best ESG Initiative, the 2024 Asia Sustainability Report Rating (ASRRAT) with the status of Gold Rank, to - ESG Awards 2024 by Kehati in the Best Investor/Debt Financing category.
Infrastructure development in Indonesia has made tremendous progress. Big projects such as toll roads, airports and ports have shown the government's commitment to building a more connected and inclusive country.
IIF hopes that the contribution provided can open the potential for economic improvement, reduce social inequality, and increase Indonesia's competitiveness in the global market.
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