JAKARTA - PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (SIG) continues to prove its commitment to helping local entrepreneurs progress and develop, such as the Puyuh Andalas livestock business group that has succeeded in developing the laying cyclone business. This business group is able to produce up to 4,000 eggs per day supplied to traditional markets to supermarkets and leading shopping centers in Aceh Besar Regency with a turnover of IDR 1.5 million per day or IDR 45 million per month.
The Puyuh Andalas or Pulas business group was founded by five friends, including Azwar, Muhammad Ikhsan, Firdaus, Heri Afriadi, and Riski Kurniawansyah. The epicenter producer with the Lampoh Kutam brand will start running its business in 2021 in Gampong Lampaya, Lhoknga, Aceh Besar, or ring 1 area of the SIG Factory in Lhoknga which is operated by the GIS business unit, namely PT Solusi Bangun Andalas.
A member of the Puyuh Andalas business group, Muhammad Ikhsan, said that the effort, which was initiated with his four friends, was initially carried out independently armed with 300 laying cyclones. Over time, the effort faced obstacles due to lack of capital and supporting facilities, so his group took the initiative to ask SBA for support.
"After undergoing the business feasibility test, in 2022 we received assistance from PT Solusi Bangun Andalas in the form of 3,000 cyclone seeds, 120 m2 cage buildings, egg racks, and feed. SBA also assists in the preparation of business plans, licensing and marketing, so that we can market products in traditional markets, as well as supermarkets and malls, and most recently facilitated us to cooperate with Puskesmas," said Muhammad Ikhsan.
Muhammad Ikhsan is grateful that thanks to the assistance of PT Solusi Bangun Andalas, Puyuh Andalas' efforts can continue to grow. Currently, his group has a total of 6,000 cyclones which produce up to 4,000 eggs per day. From the sale of eucalyptus eggs, Azwar and his colleagues can reap turnover of IDR 1.5 million per day or reach IDR 45 million per month.
In addition to selling eggs, the Puyuh Andalas group sells cyclones that are no longer productive for culinary needs. With SBA assistance, production capacity is expected to rise to 10,000 cyclones by 2025 to meet market needs.
For his success in managing the bird farming business, the Andalas Puyuh group is trusted to be a resource person at the eagle farm training organized by the Baitul Mal Office of Aceh Province for 4 districts/cities on 16 - 18 December 2024, at the Grand Permata Hati Hotel, Banda Aceh.
"We thank PT Solusi Bangun Andalas and GIS for trusting us to develop our livelihood. Hopefully this effort can continue to grow to provide economic benefits, as well as become an inspiration for the community to develop livestock businesses," said Muhammad Ikhsan.
SIG's Corporate Secretary, Vita Mahreyni said, the MSME assistance program is part of SIG's commitment to creating added value for the community. This initiative is in accordance with the pillar of GIS' sustainability 'Creating Values for Employees and Communities' in the SIG 2030 Sustainability Roadmap, which is a guide for all GIS business entities.
"SIG through the CSR program continues to provide assistance and assistance to MSME activists to be competitive and able to develop their business. The success story of the business group Puyuh Andalas fostered by SBA as a GIS business unit is clear evidence that the Company's concern for local entrepreneurs is expected to contribute to the regional economy," said Vita Mahreyni, in a written statement, Tuesday, January 14.
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