JAKARTA - As an effort to realize food self-sufficiency which is a priority program for the government, the Food SOE Holding ID FOOD is increasingly optimizing and securing the company's strategic assets. These efforts are made to ensure that building and land assets managed can support the increase in the production and distribution of strategic food commodities.
This was conveyed by VP Corporate Secretary ID FOOD Yosdian Adi Pramono, Tuesday, January 14, in Jakarta, according to him, ID FOOD has thousands of fixed asset points in the form of buildings and warehouses spread throughout Indonesia.
"Currently we have 2,097 fixed asset fields in the form of land and buildings worth Rp. 14.6 trillion. The majority of these assets are clean and clear or ready to be optimized to support food self-sufficiency," he said.
Yosdian admitted that there are still a small number of land and building assets that are currently still controlled by the private sector, agencies, or individuals.
"Based on a report released by the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK), it is stated that there are 147 asset points that are currently not fully managed by the company. Related to this, we have prepared and taken security measures," he explained.
Security measures include tracking ownership documents related to the company's land and buildings. For assets that are still in use status or third party occupancy, he said, the company is gradually mediating to clarify asset ownership, of course after coordinating with the local BPN.
In 2025, Yosdian continued, ID FOOD will carry out asset certification process as many as 282 asset fields. This step is to increase clean and clear assets so that they can be immediately optimized to support the achievement of the company's production and revenue targets.
"To ensure this certification, the ID FOOD Group has budgeted for the cost of managing land rights in the Annual Company Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) in stages," he explained.
To return assets controlled by third parties, Yosdian added, ID FOOD continues to make persuasive and legal efforts, such as the issuance of warning letters and summons.
"We are intensely coordinating with legal consultants/state attorneys to obtain legal opinions, in order to regain the company's rights. If persuasive efforts are not responded to, the corporation will continue legal remedies in the form of reporting to law enforcement officials," he explained.
Regarding assets controlled by third parties, there are also assets that have become public facilities. According to him, the company has coordinated with the local government and the local land office to determine further settlement steps.
The ID FOOD also carries out administrative security efforts, by implementing digitalization of fixed asset management in the Asset Management Information System, which contains documentation of all fixed assets of the ID FOOD Group with detailed information. In addition, we formed a division or work unit that handles fixed assets, including conducting a continuous inventory of fixed assets, "explained Yosdian.
Furthermore, Yosdian explained, efforts to secure these assets require collaboration and support from the relevant ministries and agencies. His party admitted that it had coordinated with shareholders (Ministry of SOEs) and also the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) to obtain directions regarding the resolution of problems related to fixed assets.
"In an effort to return a number of assets, we also hope for full support from BPN, DPR RI, especially Commission VI in charge of SOEs, as well as the Regional Government. It is hoped that these assets can be fully managed by the company again to support the acceleration of the food self-sufficiency program," said Yosdian.
"It is important to ensure that asset optimization and security go hand in hand, this is to ensure ID FOOD assets can continue to provide added value for companies and countries," he said.
Yosdian then mentioned that a number of asset security measures that ID FOOD has successfully carried out in 2024, including securing the assets of PT Sang Hyang Seri (SHS), a subsidiary of ID FOOD. In addition, ID FOOD through PT Perusahaan Trading Indonesia (PPI) has also completed the security of 10 assets of PPI's official residence.
"In 2024 SHS managed to regain the company's assets by 51 in the field of assets in the form of official houses that were previously inhabited by other parties. With this security SHS can optimize and develop for the development of the company's seed business," he explained.
As for supporting the food self-sufficiency target, ID FOOD currently has 1,085 warehouses with a total capacity of 2.5 million tons spread from Aceh to Papua. As for 1,085 warehouses, there are 525 non-food warehouses with a capacity of 1.4 million tons, 535 dry food warehouses with a capacity of 1 million tons, and 25 cold storage units with a capacity of 19 thousand tons," he explained.
The warehouses, he added, are managed by an ID FOOD subsidiary engaged in the trade and logistics, plantation, agriculture, fisheries, livestock and salt sectors.
According to Yosdian, apart from being a warehouse, ID FOOD is also preparing assets in the form of buildings in strategic locations to be collaborated as kitchens for the Nutritional Healthy Eating (MSB) program.
"We have registered as partners of the National Nutrition Agency (BGN) for the provision of MSB kitchens. The location of the assets is in Jakarta, Bogor and Bandung," he said.
"Given that this is intended for MSB kitchens, we choose representative assets, such as being in the middle of settlements and points that are easily accessible and have good building standards and environmental support in accordance with BGN requirements," he explained.
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