JAKARTA - To inspire people to explore the creativity of cooking at home, HappyFresh, the pioneer of online shopping applications for household needs in Indonesia, has again presented an innovative culinary campaign titled 'Sip & Sizzle 2.0'.
Together with Multi Bintang Indonesia (MBI), this event invites the public to use beer as a cooking ingredient that can present a unique taste in everyday dishes.
"Continuing the success of the inaugural campaign, the Sip & Sizzle 2.0 was held to expand public insight into the benefits of beer not only as a drink, but can also be processed innovatively to increase the taste of home dishes," said Fajar A Budiprasetyo, CEO of HappyFresh, Friday, December 6.
HappyFresh presents a well-known professional chef, William Gozali, or familiarly called Chef Willgoz, to guide a cooking demonstration session. Chef Willgoz, who is known for his expertise in creating innovative dishes, will show how to cultivate beer, such as Crystal Stars, is an important element in cooking.
The two special menus that will be displayed in this session are Beer Braised Beef with Soy Egg, Pokcoy & Nasi and Spice Mango Beer
"As a leader in the beer industry in Indonesia, we are always committed to innovating and showing various ways to enjoy our products, one of which is in the culinary world. Through the Sip & Sizzle 2.0 campaign, we want to inspire people to explore how beer, such as Crystal Stars, can provide new nuances in taste and create a more enjoyable cooking experience," said Adinda Khairani, MBI Digital Activation Manager.
This event is designed to provide exclusive experience for loyal HappyFresh customers and people who are interested in exploring culinary innovation. By integrating high-quality materials from Multi Bintang Indonesia and other grocery products, Sip & Sizzle 2.0 is expected to inspire consumers to create restaurant quality dishes in their own homes.
In addition to cooking demonstrations, HappyFresh also introduced a Click & Collect tour that allows customers to order cooking ingredients online through the HappyFresh app, then take their orders directly at that location. This feature aims to provide a practical and eient shopping experience for customers present.
"In order to enliven the Sip & Sizzle 2.0 campaign, HappyFresh offers a special promo for purchases through the application, which is a 25% discount for cooking packages demonstrated by Chef Willgoz. This offer can be enjoyed until December 8, 2024. At the end of 2024, discount programs, bank cashback promos, including free delivery can also be enjoyed by our customers in Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Malang and Bali," Fajar said.
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