JAKARTA - Chairman of the Association of Online Motorcycle Taxi Drivers (ojol) Garda Indonesia Igun Wicaksono welcomed the government's decision to continue to provide fuel oil (BBM) subsidies for onlike motorcycle taxi drivers (ojol).
This was revealed after he and the ojol association held an audience with the Minister of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Maman Abdurrahman at the Ministry of Cooperatives Office today, Friday, December 6.
"We received an official explanation from the government through the Minister of MSMEs, Mr. Maman Abdurrahman. It was emphasized that ojol still received fuel subsidies throughout Indonesia," he said after holding an audience, Friday, December 6.
On the same occasion, Igun also appealed to all ojol colleagues to remain calm and not be reactive.
The government through the Ministry of MSMEs, emphasized Igun, has ensured that there is no revocation of subsidized fuel for ojol. Given, this sector is included in the classification of MSMEs as part of the MSME distribution chain.
"With this explanation, our unrest as ojol drivers has been answered. Thank you for the quick response from the government," added Igun.
Igun also emphasized that with the hearing being mentioned, the problem between ojol and the government regarding subsidized fuel has been resolved and discussed.
On the same occasion, the Minister of MSMEs, Maman Abdurrahman, said that the Ministry of MSMEs has the mandate to protect the lower-end economic sector.
One of the priorities is to maintain the sustainability of public transportation such as ojol.
For this reason, he said, it must be ensured that the allocation of subsidized fuel remains on target.
According to him, the government is currently preparing a mechanism for verifying motorcycle users.
There are around 120 million motorcycle users in Indonesia, but those who are categorized as subsidized recipients are those who carry out ojol activities.
It is estimated that there are around 4 million to 5 million ojol drivers, especially in urban areas. The mapping process is still being carried out to ensure valid data," he said.
Furthermore, Minister Maman will also summon operator companies such as Grab, Gojek, and other operator companies to request registered driver data.
"We will integrate this data with Pertamina to facilitate the process of providing fuel subsidies," he said.
Even so, he admitted, the Ministry of MSMEs together with other ministries that are members of the Fuel Subsidy Task Force are still carrying out investigations, especially those concerning the fuel subsidy mechanisms and schemes that will be given to MSMEs, including ojol.
With this step, the Government is committed to ensuring subsidized fuel is right on target and supports ojol drivers as part of the MSME distribution chain.
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