JAKARTA - The government continues to strive to increase trade efficiency and domestic logistics, one of which is by issuing Regulation of the Minister of Trade (Permendag) Number 27 of 2024.
In the socialization event of Permendag Number 27 of 2024 in Jakarta, Tuesday, November 26, the Minister of Trade Budi Santoso said this regulation aims to create a comprehensive inter-island trade data, which can later become the basis for planning the right import policy.
According to Budi, integrated data can help the government to have a clear picture of the production and consumption of goods in each region.
This allows the government to identify areas with a surplus or production deficit, especially for staple food commodities, so as to avoid excessive imports due to lack of domestic production data.
"So if the data is clearer, we can plan how well our import needs are. Don't let it be because we don't know which ones are minus, which ones are surplus, finally minus," he said, quoted from Antara.
In addition to being a reference in import policies, Budi said that one inter-island trade data will also help the government in formulating policies to encourage economic growth in underdeveloped areas, by improving national logistics performance.
The reason is, according to data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in 2023, there are still imbalances in trade between regions, with trade transactions still centered on the island of Java.
The price disparity of basic necessities between regions is also still a problem, so it is necessary to take serious efforts to improve connectivity between regions through improving national logistics performance.
Therefore, the Ministry of Trade issued Permendag Number 27 of 2024 as an effort to improve inter-island trade governance and supervise the distribution of goods.
The issuance of this new Permendag aims, one of which is to create a national data for inter-island trade, making it easier for the government to carry out planning, intervention, as well as data supervision and analysis.
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