JAKARTA - The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) today, Monday, November 4, made changes to the composition of the leadership of PT Pertamina (Persero) through the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS).

In the GMS where the decision was contained in SK-258/MBU/11/2024 and SK-259/MBU/11/2024 concerning the Dismissal and Appointment of Members of the Board of Commissioners and Directors of the Company (Persero) PT Pertamina, Mochamad Iriawan as President Commissioner, Dony Oskaria as Deputy President Commissioner, Raden Adjeng Sondaryani as Independent Commissioner and Simon Aloysius Mantiri as President Director of Pertamina replacing Nicke Widyawati.

Vice President of Corporate Communication of PT Pertamina (Persero), Fadjar Djoko Santoso explained, the appointment and dismissal of BUMN directors and commissioners including Pertamina is the authority of the government as a shareholder represented by the Minister of SOEs.

"The change of company leadership is a normal and reasonable process as the existing provisions," said Fadjar, Monday, November 4.

According to him, the presence of a new leader will be a new energy to ensure Pertamina's sustainability in the future.

The leadership of the previous board of directors will be a solid foundation for achieving the Company's progress and realizing national energy resilience and independence.

In the new ranks of the Board of Commissioners, Mochamad Iriawan, who is now the President Commissioner of Pertamina, is a retired high-ranking officer of the Indonesian National Police who last served as the Main Secretary of the National Resilience Institution (Lemhanas).

Dony Oskaria, who serves as Deputy President Commissioner of Pertamina, is currently serving as Deputy Minister of SOEs.

Meanwhile, Raden Adjeng Sondaryani as Pertamina's Independent Commissioner previously served as Chair of the Trisakti University Alumni Association.

At the same time, Pertamina also expressed her gratitude to Mrs. Nicke Widyawati and Mr. Ahmad Fikri Assegaf for completing their duties as President Director and Independent Commissioner of Pertamina.

"We express our highest gratitude and appreciation to Mrs. Nicke and Mr. Fikri who have led Pertamina to achieve the best performance in recent years," concluded Fadjar.

Through the GMS, currently the composition of the Pertamina Board of Directors is as follows.

Board of Commissioners

- President Commissioner : Mochamad Iriawan- Deputy President Commissioner : Dony Oskaria- Independent Commissioner : Raden Adjeng Sondaryani- Commissioner : Heru Pambudi- Commissioner : Bambang Suswantono- Independent Commissioner : Condro Kirono- Independent Commissioner : Alexander Lay- Independent Commissioner : Iggi H. Achsien

Board of Directors

- President Director: Simon Aloysius Mantiri- Deputy President Director: Wiko Migantoro- Director of Risk Management: Ahmad Siddik Badruddin- Director of Strategy, Portfolio, and Business Development: A. Salyadi Dariah Saputra- Director of Logistics and Infrastructure: Alfian Nasution- Director of Finance: Emma Sri Right- Director of Business Supporting: Erry Widiastono- Director of Human Resources: M Erry Sugiharto

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