JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Development Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) revealed that the target of 100 working days as a minister is to pursue a number of project developments in the transportation sector and inaugurate them.
This was conveyed by AHY after meeting with the Minister of Transportation Dudy Purwagandhi at the Ministry of Transportation, Jakarta, Wednesday, October 30.
"We also discussed several 100-day work programs, which can be said to be short-term targets," AHY said.
AHY said there are a number of infrastructure projects that support connectivity, both in the land, sea and air sectors, including railways. He said he would arrange which projects could be inaugurated in the near future.
"We are currently compiling in more detail, so hopefully in the short term, in the near future, there will be a number of projects that can be inaugurated immediately, they can even be used immediately, used properly by people in various regions," he said.
"For example, some are ready to be inaugurated and used, terminals, then stations," he continued.
In addition to development projects, AHY admitted that he would facilitate regulations in the transportation sector. He said this step was also part of his 100-day work target later.
"It's not just visual in nature, it's not only physical but also not less important is structuring, revamping regulations that will also make it easier and make things more productive and efficient," he said.
Previously, it was reported that the Coordinating Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Development, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) visited the Office of the Ministry of Transportation to meet with the Minister of Transportation Dudy Purwagandhi. The two discussed the reduction in logistics costs.
AHY said logistics costs are still a challenge for business actors today. In fact, he said the high cost of logistics has a major impact on the selling price of products at the consumer level.
"This 'cost of logistics' is also often a challenge, we don't want development costs to be a huge contribution, it's a huge burden on transportation, we have to reduce it," he said during a press conference, at the Ministry of Transportation, Jakarta, Wednesday, October 30.
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