Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi revealed three of the inheritances he left while serving as assistants to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet.

For your information, Budi Karya Sumadi himself has served as Minister of Transportation since 2016. At that time, Jokowi was appointed by Jokowi to replace Ignasius Jonan.

Budi said the first legacy was related to Eid transportation. He said creating Eid transportation was a challenge that President Jokowi reported and succeeded in carrying it out.

"There are three. First, it's qualitative, namely going home. If going home is like an examination for us. And Mr. Jokowi never gave a homework, a flat order. It must be a challenge, yes," Budi said in the launch of a book entitled 'BKS from Underdog to Minister' in Jakarta, Saturday, October 19.

Budi said that when he got an assignment related to the implementation of Eid transportation, he conducted a survey assisted by a survey agency. As a result, he said, there were an estimated 195 million people moving at that time.

The thing that makes me unable to say anything is at the last moment. People when opened without any conditions, and we surveyed, we surveyed, assisted by surveys, 195 million. How is that regulated? And thank God it was with high satisfaction, and it was also stated by a good survey agency," he said.

Budi said the second legacy he left was related to the flight information area (FIR). He said the FIR can be handled:

According to Budi, since 1995 the FIR has not been completed properly. Therefore, Budi also appreciated the performance of the Ministry of Transportation which succeeded in resolving it.

"It's been rolled out since 1995 to be completed and unsuccessful. I feel that the work team from the Ministry of Transportation is extraordinary, because it has almost 100 meetings with Singapore and several parties and took almost 3 years. It finally worked," he said.

Budi said there was a possibility that Indonesia's territory was controlled by foreigners. For example, he said, Batam. At that time, he said, when flying to Batam, communication connected was precisely to Singapore.

"Imagine, there may be about 10 percent of Indonesia's territory controlled by other countries. Until if we want to go to Batam, it's a halo, a halo, Batam, which comes from Singapore, and pays again. And we can return it to one part of Indonesia," he said.

Finally, he continued, the legacy is related to urban development. One of them is the Jakarta Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) train and the Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Train or better known as theASH.

"Try 10 years ago, can you imagine that we have a MRT? Not really. Pak Jokowi with all the controversies, started. I was watching it hard, because we had to deal with a very conservative Japan. He has to do it, but at the beginning it was difficult to walk," he said.

Then the high-speed train. Who would have imagined we would havenahsh, which if I went to Singapore too, the doctor said, what do you do? I'm proud of it. Usually we are with Singapore, inferior. So those three things, there are others maybe, but I think there are too many claims for my legacy, "he concluded.

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