JAKARTA - In order to support the expansion of access to the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) market, the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) has again presented the MSME Bazaar for Indonesia. In October 2024, the Ministry of SOEs carried the MSME Bazaar for Indonesia entitled Berkriyasi, which aims to provide opportunities for micro-ecil and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the craft sector to market and increase product sales.

In addition, the activities of Berkriyasi are also an effort to help preserve the traditions and art of Indonesian original handicrafts through handicraft products with an inspiring ethnic touch.

The activities, which were held at the Sarinah Jakarta Building on 17-20 October 2024 and Trans Studio Mall Makassar, 24-27 October 2024, were supported by six State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Organizers, namely PT Pegadaian, PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk or BTN, PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk or PGN, PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk or SIG, PT Angkasa Pura Indonesia, and PT Bureau Classification Indonesia (Persero).

Berkriyasi diikuti oleh sekitar 150 UMKM binaan BUMN, yang menampilkan berbagai berbagai produk kriya unggulan. Di antaranya terdiri dari berbagai produk, terutama kriiya home decoration, accessories (wearables), serta berbagai produk handikel yang inovatif dan kreatif lainnya.

The CRYSING MSME product bazaar has been opened to the public since October 17, 2024, on the ground floor of Sarinah Jakarta. The opening ceremony was held on Friday, October 18, in Sarinah, Jakarta by the Expert Staff for Finance and Development of MSMEs at the Ministry of SOEs, Loto Srinaita Ginting with the leaders of the six BUMN Organizers, the Head of the State Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) for Accounting, Sally Salamah, and the Head of the Industry and Trade Office for the Cooperatives of Small and Medium Enterprises of DKI Jakarta Province, Elisabeth Ratu Rante Allo.

In his remarks, Loto Srinaita Ginting conveyed that the implementation of the MSME Bazaar for Indonesia was in line with the direction of SOE Minister Erick Thohir and Mr. President, that SOEs needed to involve MSMEs in the procurement of goods and services in SOEs.

Throughout 2024, the Ministry of SOEs has planned 12 MSME Bazaar activities for Indonesia in the thematics of 7 major cities in Indonesia, namely Jakarta, Bandung, Medan, Denpasar, Balikpapan, Makassar, Labuan Bajo. As a series of closings, in November 2024, the MSME Bazaar for Indonesia will be held in Labuan Bajo and Jakarta.

All transactions that occurred in the MSME Bazar for Indonesia were carried out through the PaDi MSME Platform which was built by the Ministry of SOEs together with SOEs since 2020.

"The number of transactions in eight bazaars that have been held since early 2024, is recorded at around Rp. 95 billion. In addition, based on data recorded through PaDi UMKM, the number of BUMN domestic product expenditures from January to September 2024 was recorded at Rp. 726.4 trillion. Meanwhile, the number of SOE expenditures for MSMEs was recorded at Rp47 trillion or only about 6 percent of the total state-owned domestic product expenditure (PDN).

"This means that in the future there is still a large enough room for SOEs to increase spending on MSMEs," said Loto.

In addition to the MSME product bazaar, BerKRIYASI is also enlivened with various other activities, including creative competition, talk shows, workshops, as well as several entertainment events such as live music performance and guest star performance.

The series of opening ceremony BerKRIYASI activities were also attended by the Board of Directors of BUMN Organizers and enlivened by the special Trio Violinist performances accompanied by harmonious choreography. The series of activities in BerKRIYAS in Jakarta will be closed this Friday with the appearance of the guest star, Juicy Lucy, which will be held at 19.00 WIB at Anjungan Sarinah.

President Director of Pegadaian, Damar Latri Setiawan said, the presence of Pegadaian and other BUMN Organizers here is a form of support for MSMEs in Indonesia. Not only to introduce quality products from fostered MSMEs, but this is also one of the steps to encourage MSMEs to continue to advance to class.

"People can also easily transact online through PaDi UMKM. We believe that MSME products have great potential and in the future they will be able to compete in the national and international markets," he said.

The same thing was conveyed by the President Director of BTN Nixon LP Napitupulu. Nixon said that the company continues to strive to support the development of MSMEs, either through the provision of financing, coaching, or forums for promotion.

"As a state-owned company, BTN continues to be committed to providing comprehensive support for MSMEs to progress so that they can contribute to supporting national economic growth," he said.

GIS President Director, Donny Arsal said, SIG consistently provides comprehensive assistance for MSME activists so that they can run their business professionally with good managerial and are able to maximize marketing and sales by utilizing digital technology. Thus, MSMEs are expected to advance to class, as well as continue to advance and develop.

"Involving MSMEs in various important exhibitions to increase experience and expand the marketing network of its products, so that in the future MSME products will be able to compete at the national and even global levels, as well as contribute to economic growth and equity in Indonesia," he said.

Meanwhile, Director of Human Capital Angkasa Pura Indonesia, Achmad Syahir, said that his party is always committed to encouraging the growth and development of MSMEs in Indonesia.

"We hope that through the implementation of the MSME Bazaar for Indonesia, it can provide positive benefits for MSME business actors to be able to develop their business, and become one of the mediums to encourage the MSME sector to be able to advance to class. InJourney Airports is not only committed to providing excellent service to airport service users, but we hope that our existence can provide benefits to the general public at large, one of which is the MSME sector," he said.

Director of Institutional Relations of the Indonesian Classification Bureau, Andry Tanudjaja, said that BKI always supports MSMEs in expanding product marketing in order to encourage Indonesia's economic growth.

"BKI as the Lead Holding BUMN Survey is committed to supporting the growth of MSMEs in a sustainable manner. This TJSL Bazar MSME event is a tangible manifestation of our commitment to supporting the growth of the people's economy through empowering MSME actors. As well as the role of TIC in advancing the growth of the Economy, we believe that through collaboration and synergy with partners, we can create wider opportunities for the development of small and medium enterprises, so that it can have a positive impact on the welfare of the community. Let's support and appreciate local products that are full of innovation and creativity," he explained.

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