PT Prudential Life Assurance (Prudential Indonesia) continues to strengthen its protection commitment for customers by presenting service innovations including health services that provide more value by establishing a partnership with the Ministry of Health's Vertical Hospital in the PRUPriority Hospitals network.

This strategic partnership between Prudential Indonesia and the Ministry of Health is a form of Prudential Indonesia's commitment to expand access to protection and improve the quality and equitable access to health services for customers throughout Indonesia, in line with the aspirations of the Company to become trusted partners and protectors in providing superior and professional health services for customers.

Prudential Indonesia's Chief Operations and Health Officer, dr. Dian Budiani, believes that access to the best health protection and services needs to be the right of every family in Indonesia.

"We are grateful for the opportunity given by the Ministry of Health to partner with Prudential Indonesia. Through this collaboration, there have been 34 Vertical Hospitals that have joined the PRUPriority Hospitals network, so that Prudential Indonesia customers throughout Indonesia can also enjoy health services at the Vertical Hospital along with various other health services," he said, in a written statement, Thursday, October 10.

PRUPriority Hospitals is present as a responsive response to the dynamics of community needs, market conditions, and health costs from time to time. The goal is that customers always have the best opportunity to achieve optimal and sustainable health benefits from their insurance policies.

In particular, PRUPriority Hospitals are here to provide superior and comprehensive quality of protection, namely by providing more value to customers in the form of effectiveness of the claim approval process, transparency of treatment costs that are in accordance with the clinical path in hospitals, as well as improving the quality of medical evidence-based health services.

Prudential Indonesia continues to communicate and discuss with various hospitals, to jointly expand and facilitate access to treatment for customers. Therefore, Prudential Indonesia welcomes the partnership with vertical hospitals owned by the Ministry of Health to ensure quality insurance services, which will increase effectiveness in the claim process by ensuring the best curation, including better and faster transparency of costs and services for customers.

Until now, the PRUPriority Hospitals program has established strategic partnerships with 346 hospitals spread across 107 cities/regencies throughout Indonesia, 61 hospitals abroad. With additional support from the Ministry of Health's Vertical Hospital spread across 22 cities in Indonesia, it will certainly improve services for customers evenly.

Among the Vertical Hospitals belonging to the Ministry of Health that has joined the PRUPriority Hospitals include: RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan, RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang, Cipto Mangunkusumo National Hospital Jakarta, Fatmawati Hospital Jakarta, Dharmais Cancer Hospital Jakarta, Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. Mahar Mardjono Jakarta, Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung, Dr. Sardjito Hospital Yogyakarta, Prof. Dr. IGNG Ngoerah Denpasar, Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital Makassar, Prof. Dr. D. D. Kandou Manado, dr. Johannes Leimena Ambon Hospital, dr. Ben Mboi, Kupang.

"Predential Indonesia will continue to support and collaborate with the government and other stakeholders to provide health protection innovations, so that more and more Indonesians can enjoy quality and professional health services. We will continue to strengthen our commitment to providing quality service innovations by continuing to listen, understand and realize sustainable protection for every life, for the future," concluded Dian.

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