JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) continues to encourage convenience for capture fisheries business actors. Most recently, the KKP held a FAD licensing outlet at the Ocean Bitung Fisheries Port.

Director General of Capture Fisheries Lotharia Latif explained that the implementation of this outlet was carried out in order to support the implementation of a measurable fishing policy. In addition, there is also a form of implementation of Ministerial Regulation Number 10 of 2021, especially regarding the licensing of the FAM (SIPR) placement permit.

"Based on the evaluation, there are still many business actors who do not yet have a FAD placement permit. The majority do not yet understand the mechanism for licensing their cellphones and find it difficult to manage their permits," Latif said in his official statement, quoted Monday, October 7.

The FAMP licensing outlet will take place on October 1-5, 2024. Through this outlet, 7 SIPR documents have been issued and 21 documents for submitting FAD locations in the process of issuing the Approval for the Compliance of Marine Spatial Utilization Activities (PKKPRL).

Along with the implementation of the outlets, the KKP also held a SIPR socialization aimed at increasing understanding regarding the placement and utilization of the FAD.

"In this socialization, we also convey the mechanism for obtaining SIPR along with PKKPRL. We also involve the Directorate General of Marine and Fishery Resources Supervision (PSDKP) to help monitor and regulate the use of this FAM," he said.

Meanwhile, Bitung Business Actors Dickson Sakawerus assessed that the implementation of this SIPR socialization and outlet was very positive and useful. He admitted that he was very grateful and helped because his family had not licensed so far.

Similarly, PT Indomina Gracia Susan Rumagit also appreciated the implementation of this outlet because it was considered to provide space and convenience for business actors to access capture fisheries business licensing.

For your information, the Fish Aggregated Device (FAD) is an important fishing aid to increase fishing productivity. Thus, special management and arrangements are needed to be orderly and in accordance with the carrying capacity of fish resources and their environment.

Rumpon is a type of fishing aid installed in the sea, both shallow and deep. The installation is intended to attract fish gangs to gather around the frang, so that fish are easy to catch.

Regarding the placement of the FAD, Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KP) Sakti Wahyu Trenggono has issued Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Regulation Number 36 of 2023 concerning the Placement of Fish Fishing Equipment and Fish Fishing Assistance Tools in the Measurable Fish Fishing Zone and the State Fisheries Management Area of the Republic of Indonesia.

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