JAKARTA - PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk continues to strive to increase efficiency, productivity, and company adaptability, one of which is through the application of digital technology. The Company has also strengthened IT governance and innovation related to digital construction.

Waskita Karya Corporate Secretary Ermy Puspa Yunita said Waskita Karya strengthened internal monitoring using the application through the Dashboard Management.

"The implementation of the Dashboard Management is integrated from all operational activities that can facilitate Top Management in deciding various strategic matters," he said in an official statement, Friday, October 4.

Ermy said the implementation of digitalization includes strengthening System Analysis and Product in Data Processing (SAP) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). Both aim to regulate financial and accounting management, in order to support the centralization of payments and the application of internal control for the Financial Over Financial Report (ICOFR) financial reporting process.

In addition, said Ermy, the company has also centralized procurement, engineering, and the implementation of lean construction on several ongoing projects. Thus, Waskita's business process became more efficient and agile.

"This application is carried out as a form of increasing the implementation of good corporate governance, especially in terms of transparency in monitoring the business process in the holding to the project," said Ermy.

According to Ermy, various Waskita projects have also implemented Building Information Modelling (BIM) as one of the development of digitalization.

Meanwhile, BIM is a digital platform that can identify the potential technical constraints on a project holistically since the drafting period (critical stage) to the technical completion of the project.

"The company applies BIM to every project development that is being carried out, in order to deal with the growing digital era and construction technology," he said.

Ermy said the digitization was applied to several projects carried out by Waskita, including the IKN Segment 5A Toll Road Simpang Tempadung- Balang Island.

In the project, the team carried out several innovations and digitizations, such as the Automatic Rain Weighting System, Photograft Data Collection with the DJI Macic 3E PPK Drone and Intellect Compation, to carry out soil compactification before cor using vibro roller which can be arranged according to the 2D and 3D model BIM and monitored directly through the website.

Ermy said BIM made the work process on the project easier, starting from making work images, design reviews, mapping progress, work sequence, quality take off and cost estimates, to coordinating with parties involved in the project development process, be it assigners, contractors, and consultants.

"In addition, with the existence of a cloud-based data system, the entire project activity process can be recorded and stored properly and can also be accessed in real-time anytime and anywhere," he explained.

In addition, continued Ermy, Waskita also implemented Industry 4.0 Technology, as evidenced by the INDI 4.0 assessment (Indonesian Industry 4.0 Readiness Index) by External Assessors.

"As a form of recognition by external parties, Waskita received a certificate of appreciation as a company that meets the criteria as a Pilot Company for Industry 4.0 from the Industrial Services Standardization and Policy Agency (BSKJI) of the Ministry of Industry," he said.

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