JAKARTA - The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) also commemorated National Statistics Day (HSN) on Thursday, September 26.

At this year's HSN commemoration, BPS sets the theme Quality Statistics for Golden Indonesia.

Acting (Plt) Head of BPS Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti said, this theme emphasizes the importance of statistical data to build the 2045 Golden Indonesia Vision, and realize Indonesia as a Sovereign, Advanced, and Sustainable Archipelago Country.

Amalia conveyed that to continue the transformation of state development, of course, data is needed as a basis for policy making.

"The statistical data used as the basis for national development does not only come from BPS. Other ministries/agencies also have the authority to produce sectoral data in accordance with the needs of policy planning in their respective fields," he said in his statement, Thursday, September 26.

According to Amalia, Sectoral Statistics are statistics whose utilization is aimed at meeting the needs of certain agencies in the context of implementing government and development tasks that are the main tasks of the agency concerned.

Therefore, BPS as a state institution in the field of statistics, plays a role in efforts to strengthen sectoral statistics by providing guidance to ministries/agencies that have started from the beginning of 2024.

Amalia explained that the form of BPS' efforts and commitments in conducting sekotral statistics coaching is to carry out the Evaluation of Sectoral Statistics Implementation (EPSS) activities to ministries/agencies.

"EPSS provides a measure of the achievement of implementing statistical activities in every government agency, both central and regional," he said.

Amalia added, to realize Indonesia Gold, it is important to rely on quality statistics and accurate sectoral data in supporting policies and planning.

"Let's improve the quality of statistics in each line for the progress and welfare of the nation. Happy National Statistics Day 2024," he said.

According to him, with quality sectoral statistics, decision making in making policies will be based on quality data.

"The construction will also be in accordance with the needs and on target. As the first step towards Indonesia Gold 2045," he explained.

At this HSN Commemoration, BPS also gave appreciation and appreciation to its stakeholders.

This appreciation is given by BPS regularly at each year at the HSN Commemoration with the name BPS Awards.

As for the category of ministries/BPS Awards, it is given to Bank Indonesia (BI).

BI has established a collaboration that in its implementation plays an active, responsive, and synergistic role with BPS.

For the company category, the BPS Awards this time were given to PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN).

PLN provides good support and response in the data collection process carried out by BPS.

In addition to BPS Awards, this HSN Commemoration also applies other forms of appreciation for BPS with other stakeholders. Such as the EPSS Award for ministries/agencies, both central and regional governments that play an active role in producing sectoral statistics.

The Corner of Statistics Awards for universities, Beautiful Awards Villages for village and sub-district governments, role models for BPS internal employees throughout Indonesia, to awards for several competitions that are part of a series of HSN activities such as Statistic Data Camp and Indathon (competition to produce policies based on quality data and statistical methods).

BPS also takes advantage of this HSN commemoration moment by launching several things.

Starting from the launch of BPS Corporate University, a comprehensive development system for employees based on education and training needs analysis in order to achieve the target of organizations or institutions.

Then also in preparation for the 2026 Economic Census (SE2026), BPS launched the first logo and theme song SE2026.

This logo and theme song will be used in every BPS activity in the future, especially those related to the Economic Census.

For the theme song SE2026, BPS collaborates with Eka Gustiwana, a musician who is also a member of the Weird Genius music group.

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