BELITUNG - Bangka Belitung Islands Province is the second priority area for the implementation of Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Number 1 of 2024 concerning the Acceleration of Drinking Water Supply and Domestic Waste Management Services.

Regional Staff II of the Regional Settlement Infrastructure Center (BPPW) of the Bangka Belitung Islands, Wotto Iskandar, said that therefore Bangka Belitung received IDR 6 billion from the Inpres for Drinking Water and Wastewater for the 2024 Fiscal Year (TA).

The total budget will be used to build as many as 1,008 House Connections (SR).

"We have an Inpres program of 1,008 SR. The constraints are only available this month. The available funds are approximately Rp. 6 billion, that (budget) is for SR and distribution pipelines," Wotto told reporters at SPAM Batu Mentas, Tanjung Pandan, Belitung Regency, Thursday, September 26.

Meanwhile, the special water needs in Belitung Regency are served by the Mentas Water Supply System (SPAM) in Tanjung Pandan City.

On the same occasion, Head of Region II Section of the Regional Settlement Infrastructure Agency (BPPW) Bangka Belitung Khoirul Hakim said, SPAM Batu Mentas has a capacity of 2\times50 liters per second.

"Currently, the SR capacity is 2,534 SR from the target of 8,000 SR," he said.

The SPAM work has been started since September 29, 2020 and completed in March 2022 with a total budget of IDR 74.55 billion.

"The goal is to support clean water capacity in hotels and fisheries. So, fisheries needs clean water because there are many fishing industries here, fishing. This (water source) comes from SPAM Batu Mentas," he added.

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