JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) revealed that there will be special regulations related to mining reclamation around the capital city of Nusantara (IKN), East Kalimantan.
"A study is being made and there will be a special government regulation for IKN," said Coordinator of Mineral and Coal Environmental Protection of the Directorate General of Mineral and Coal (Ditjen Minerba) Horas Pasaribu as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, September 24.
He added that the regulation would be in the form of government regulations or PP. However, he could not confirm when the regulation would be issued.
"This means that there is a special arrangement for IKN, we will see later because this is being prepared," he said.
For information, the Capital Archipelago Authority (IKN) has prepared reclamation guidelines or land restoration and rehabilitation processes that are disrupted due to mining activities to restore land and ecosystem functions in the archipelago.
Deputy for Environment and Natural Resources of the IKN Authority, Myrna Safitri, said that OIKN had conducted public consultations with various elements of society to design mining reclamation guidelines.
This guideline was prepared to facilitate mining business license holders (IUP) in carrying out reclamation and post-mining, as well as supporting the company's environmental, social, and governance (ESG) achievements.
This guide also aims to ensure that the reclamation and post-mining activities in IKN are in line with the function of space and the direction of IKN development policies.
The IKN Authority is committed to involving all parties in the process of drafting this guideline.
Every element of society in IKN has the same right to express opinions, be it the community, government officials, private sectors, and academics.
Based on data from the IKN Authority in April 2024, there are 59 IUPs covering an area of 56,895 hectares in IKN, and approximately 17,500 hectares of former mining land.
Presidential Regulation Number 64 of 2022 concerning the IKN National Strategic Area Spatial Plan states that the IUP that is still valid can carry out production activities until the end of the licensing period, provided that IUP holders are required to carry out mining environmental management.
Reclamation and post-mining are examples of the environmental obligations in question.
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