JAKARTA - Chairman of the National Awakening Party (PKB) Abdul Muhaimin Iskandar approved the proposed disbandment of the Ministry of SOEs which was recently echoed by former Nasdem politician Akbar Faizal.

The man who is familiarly called Cak Imin even encouraged Akbar to hold further discussions.

"Agreed, a careful discussion started from your podcast," said Muhaimin in response to Akbar's tweet via social media X (formerly Twitter), Tuesday, September 17.

Cak Imin's positive response to Akbar's proposal shows that he still brings the big ideas he carries when running as a vice presidential candidate with Anies Baswedan in the 2024 presidential election yesterday.

At that time, the idea to dissolve the Ministry of SOEs was raised by the expert team of the Anies 'Muhaimin' pair and had caused debate in the public sphere.

Akbar in his tweet conveyed a message to the elected President Prabowo Subianto to dissolve the Ministry of SOEs because according to him it was only a national political burden.

In fact, he considered, the BUMN's economic ideology had deviated from the constitutional mandate.

"Yth Pak @prabowo, the reality is that @KemenBUMN is only a burden on national politics. The commotion and complexities of the economy and politics routinely come from the work of these ministries. The economic ideology has also deviated because SOEs are actually doing business with the people. Maybe you need to think about the option of dissolving this ministry. The initial benefits, there will be no more fights for volunteers and timses to become directors and commissioners. I am sure that will help you focus on other priorities," wrote Akbar.

Netizens responded positively to the tweet. One of them is the Wicaksono J account, which assesses that the Ministry of SOEs is more burdensome than being a problem.

"Pak Prabowo is a good suggestion, the Ministry of SOEs is more burdensome than being a problem, especially if: instead of regulating and arranging SOEs to make a profit and then contributing to state revenues, the role is even more to become position brokers for political puppets and then paying for the expenditure of high-ranking state officials," Wicaksono wrote.

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