JAKARTA - Director of Energy Conservation of EBTKE Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Hendra Iswahyudi admitted that his party is optimistic that it can reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to 142 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) by 2024.

According to him, based on the records of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, from 2019 to 2023, his party has always succeeded in reducing GHG emissions beyond the set target.

"In the meantime, I am optimistic because I can also enter the target. Yes, it's just a matter of finalization again and we will exceed the target," he said at the Bakohumas Forum of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources quoted on Friday, September 13.

He detailed, in 2019, the realization of reducing GHG emissions in the energy sector was recorded at 54.8 million tons of CO2 from the target that had been set at 51 million tons.

Then in 2020 it succeeded in reducing 64.4 million tons of CO2 from the target set at 58 million tons of CO2.

Meanwhile, in 2021 the GHG which was successfully reduced by 70.0 million tons of CO2 and in 2022 managed to reduce emissions by 91.5 million tons from the target of 91 million tons.

Finally, in 2023, GRK which was successfully reduced by 123.2 million tons of CO2 from the target of 116 million tons.

Furthermore, Hendra said, the government has also set a carbon emission reduction target in the energy sector of 358 million tons of CO2 until the year by 2030.

According to him, there are several mitigation actions for reducing carbon emissions in the energy sector, including energy efficiency, renewable energy, clean energy plants, low carbon fuels, and mining reclamation.

He again detailed that the largest contribution from reducing carbon emissions was the renewable energy sector by 51 percent through the construction of EBT plants which were projected to reduce GRK by 97.01 million tons, vegetable fuel by 47.53 million tons, and co-firing by 8.88 million tons.

Then followed by energy efficiency of 37 percent. which is done through energy management, increased efficiency of household appliances, energy-efficient PJU, electric vehicles and increased energy efficiency for cooking.

He added that Government Regulation (PP) No. 33 of 2023 concerning Energy Conservation has regulated the energy management of the central and regional governments. With this regulation, Ministries/Institutions (KL) will be encouraged to create energy managers, including energy auditors who are able to operate buildings efficiently.

Later, he said, local government-owned buildings such as offices, hospitals, health centers, and schools will be encouraged to create energy managers

"In addition, for energy providers, in this case PT PLN (Persero) and PT Pertamina (Persero) we also encourage it because it has an obligation whose energy consumption is equivalent to 6,000 tons of oil, including the industry sector which is above 4,000 and transportation is above 4,000. We all make a reporting system on digital platforms," he concluded.

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