JAKARTA - Indonesia Financial Group (IFG), the Insurance, Guarantee, and Investment BUMN holding and its Members of PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (Jasindo) announced a strategic partnership with Telkomsel, which is the leading digital telecommunications service provider in Indonesia, to support the development of the digital ecosystem and financial services in Indonesia.

Through this collaboration, IFG and Telkomsel will explore the potential for increasing financial inclusion and wider use of digital technology through telecommunications services, in order to strengthen protection and improve the digital experience of customers throughout Indonesia.

This commitment was inaugurated through the signing of a memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between IFG, Jasindo and Telkomsel which took place in Jakarta, on Tuesday 10 September. This collaborative step is in line with the efforts of the two Companies in supporting the development of the digital and financial ecosystems in Indonesia, as well as expanding access to services relevant to the Community.

IFG and Telkomsel agreed to conduct educational and socialization programs for employees and related ecosystems from the two companies. This initiative is designed to increase understanding of digital technology and financial services that can be adopted to support the business operations of each party.

As part of this collaboration, IFG and Telkomsel also agreed to market products and services to their respective ecosystems. Where, both companies will take advantage of the network they have to expand access to financial products and telecommunications services.

Present at the event were Assistant Deputy for Insurance Services and Pension Funds of the Ministry of SOEs Hendrika Nora Osloi Sinaga, IFG Business Director Pantro Pander Silitonga, Strategic Business Director Jasindo Syah Amondaris, and Telkomsel Sales Director Adiwinahyu Basuki Sigit.

IFG Business Director Pantro Pander Silitonga said this collaboration was intended to provide convenience for customers from both parties in accessing complementary services, both in the financial and telecommunications fields.

This cooperation is a strategic step in expanding the scope of financial services that are more inclusive and adaptive to digital development. Through this synergy, we are committed to providing better protection and will provide great benefits for customers of the two companies, as well as strengthening IFG's position as a leader in the Insurance, Guarantee and Investment industry in Indonesia," he said.

Pantro added, through this collaboration, his party is also committed to providing superior innovations and services that can meet customer needs throughout Indonesia. IFG should remain relevant to market dynamics and the latest technological developments.

Meanwhile, the Director of Sales for Telkomsel, Adiwinahyu Basuki Sigit, explained that the signing of this collaboration was part of Telkomsel's ongoing efforts to improve the quality and added value of services for customers.

The various products bundling Telkomsel with IFG services are presented to provide more benefits for customers. This collaboration will provide added value for Telkomsel and also IFG customers, where customers can at the same time provide solutions for their digital and telecommunications needs, as well as financial and insurance solutions. This effort is also a tangible manifestation of Telkomsel's commitment to have the vision of becoming the best digital telecommunication service provider to make today better and create a better future," said Sigit.

He added, We believe that cooperation with IFG will open up more opportunities for progress, especially through product development and services that meet customer needs and value more.

Meanwhile, Director of Strategic Business Asuransi Jasindo Syah Amondaris said that Jasindo Insurance already has more than 50 years of experience in dealing with risks. The added value of the protection offered is in accordance with the concept of risk management partnership. The role of Jasindo Insurance, apart from being a facilitator, also provides analysis and protection services needed by Telkomsel.

"We are very ready and committed to being able to provide protection guarantees that are beneficial to customers and provide added value to Telkomsel. For example, protection guarantees from the risk of residential fires," he said.

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