JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has completed the construction of the Toboali Market in South Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province.

The construction of the Toboali Market is carried out by the Ministry of PUPR through the Bangka Belitung Regional Settlement Infrastructure Center (BPPW) of the Directorate General of Human Settlements.

Toboali Market is located on an area of 2,445 square meters with a building area of 3,352 square meters by contractor PT Beringin Jaya Perkasa which is sourced from APBN funds amounting to Rp34.34 billion.

Director General of Human Settlements of the Ministry of PUPR Diana Kusumastuti said the market development, which is in the south of Bangka Island, will be carried out from November 1, 2023 to July 4, 2024.

"Toboali Market has 2 floors of buildings and a semi- standingst floor that can accommodate up to 68 traders," Diana said in a written statement, quoted Wednesday, September 11.

Diana said that Toboali Market had been handed over to the South Bangka Regional Government. "So, at this time it has been utilized properly by traders and the community," he said.

The main scope of Toboali Market's work includes the construction of 68 kiosks for traders, 8 culinary kiosks and 14-car and 64-motor parking vehicles.

Not only that, a number of supporting facilities were also provided, such as rooms for managers, meetings, health, lactation to measuring weights. Then, there are also guard posts, prayer rooms, bathrooms/WC and ramps for visitors with disabilities.

One of the traders Nani Mulyani (52) expressed his gratitude and gratitude to all parties, including the Ministry of PUPR for the construction of the Toboali Market.

"I am very grateful to be able to sell here because it is comfortable and has many facilities, so I don't have to go home just to pray or have lunch," he said.

The Toboali Market has been inaugurated by the Vice President (Wapres) of the Republic of Indonesia Ma'ruf Amin on Tuesday, September 10, 2024.

The Vice President hopes that this market development can increase the competitiveness of MSMEs and create a more conducive business environment for the community.

"With the abundant potential of regional natural resources, I am sure this market will become a strategic distribution location for regional superior products to quality local handicrafts," he explained.

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