Deputy Minister of SOEs Kartika Wirjoatmodjo alias Tiko explained that the reshuffle of the board of directors of Perum Bulog is a common form of absorption within state-owned companies.

The directors of Perum Bulog who were replaced were the position of President Director, previously held by Bayu Krisnamurthi, now replaced by Wahyu Suparyono. Then, the position of Director of Human Capital, which was previously held by Purnomo Sinar Hadi, is now filled by Sudarsono.

In addition, there is an additional new position, namely the Deputy President Director (Wadirut). The position is filled by Marga Taufiq.

"Just a refresher," Tiko told the media crew at the DPR RI Building, Jakarta, Tuesday, September 10.

The man who is familiarly called Tiko said the government would give a new task to Perum Bulog, who now has a new captain. Therefore, the Ministry of SOEs wants to strengthen the company's function.

Even so, Tiko ensured that the reason for changing several directors' positions was not because they could not reach the target of the task given.

"No, it's just a refresher. Because the function is to be strengthened in the future, there will be new assignments in the future," he said.

According to Tiko, the new assignment will later change Bulog's role. Unfortunately, Tiko was reluctant to explain the new role that the state-owned company would play.

"It's being compiled, but later the role will change," said Tiko.

Quoted from the Cabinet Secretariat website, currently Bulog has the task of securing the prices of staple rice at the producer and consumer level, managing the management of government rice staple food reserves, providing and distributing rice to certain groups of people; and carrying out rice imports in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.

In addition, Bulog also has a special task in securing food prices other than rice, managing other government food reserves, providing and distributing other foods, and also importing other food commodities in accordance with statutory provisions.

Not only that, Bulog can also carry out special tasks in developing other food-based industries, and developing other food warehousing.

The Bulog task is stipulated in Government Regulation (PP) number 13 of 2016 concerning the Bulog Public Company (Perum), which was signed by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), on May 13, 2016.

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