JAKARTA - The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy has added and changed its targets and performance indicators in 2025.

"The first is the value of tourism foreign exchange which is targeted at 22.1 billion US dollars," said Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Wamenparekraf) Angela Tanoesoedibjo as reported by ANTARA, Friday, September 6.

Until the first semester of 2024, the provisional figure for the realization of the value of tourism foreign exchange in Indonesia was US$7.56 billion from the target of 10.46-13.08 billion US dollars this year.

The second is the contribution of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of tourism at 4.6 percent, an increase from this year's target and a temporary realization in the first semester of 2024 of 4.5 percent each.

Furthermore, the export value of creative economy products has changed to the growth of creative economy exports with a target of 5.15 percent.

Fourth, the added value of the creative economy (ekraf) has changed to two indicators, namely the proportion of GDP creative economy with a target of 7.92 percent and a growth rate of GDP of 5.54 percent.

The fifth is the number of foreign tourists (tourists) of 17 million visits or an increase from the 2024 target of 10.41-14.3 million foreign tourists. The provisional realization figure until the first semester of 2024 on this indicator is still 6.41 million foreign tourists.

Next is the number of domestic tourists (wisnus) 1,084 million trips, not much different from the 2024 target of 1,250-1,500 million trips with temporary achievements until the first semester of 2024 of 521.48 million trips.

The seventh indicator is that the Travel and Tourism Development Index (TTDI) is targeted to reach the Top 20 in 2026, while for 2025 there is no data because the rating assessment is carried out every two years.

The last two targets are the number of workers of 25.75 million people or an increase from this year's target of 24.50 million people, and the number of creative workers has changed to creative labor productivity with a target of 74.58 million people.

The change in the calculation of indicators is as follows. Creative Economy export growth, the calculation method is that the number of exports this year was reduced by the number of exports in the previous year, divided by the number of exports in the previous year, multiplied by 100 percent. Then, for the growth of the creative economy GDP, the calculation method is that this year's creative economy GDP contribution was reduced by last year's creative economy contribution, divided by the average contribution of five-year creative economy GDP, multiplied by 100 percent. And the productivity of the creative economy is the total value added by the number of creative economy," said Angela.

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