YOGYAKARTA PERURI Profile (General Entrepreneur of Money Printing of the Republic of Indonesia) has received a lot of attention from the public. This is because the website managed by PERURI in providing e-materai has experienced disruptions amidst the large number of registrations for Candidates for Civil Servants (CPNS). PERURI is also considered not ready to keep its services stable amid the high demand for e-companiments. The condition of the e-competent website provokes protests and criticism on social media.

PERURI is a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) authorized to print money and issue security products recognized by state law.

Historically, PERURI was founded on September 15, 1971. The establishment of the company was the result of the merger of two companies, namely Pertjetakan Kebajoran and Artha Yasa. The merger of the two state-owned companies was carried out as one of the government's strategies at that time to strengthen Indonesia's financial system by integrating money printing and securities documents in one management.

Reporting from its official website, initially PERURI was established through Government Regulation (PP) No. 60 of 1971. Over time, the Government then issued PP which regulated PERURI until the last PP 06 of 2019 was issued.

PERURI's duties are stated in PP 6/2019. According to these rules, several business activities carried out by the BUMN include the following.

It should be noted that PERURI is the only company that has the right and authority to issue e-companiments, proof of payment of tax on certain documents with legal force. This right and authority is granted by the state to the company.

E-materai itself is an extension of proof of document tax payments which were originally in the form of prints now available digitally.

PERURI's rights and authorities related to e-materai include printing and production. In addition, PERURI is also responsible for ensuring the authenticity of stampai, both print and digital, so that it cannot be falsified.

E-materai is used to provide legal force to various documents such as agreement letters, receipts, notary deed, financial transactions, and other types of documents.

That's information related to Peruri's profile. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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