The budget ceiling for the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs (Kemenkop UKM) for 2025 decreased by 37.44 percent from the budget allocation in 2024.

It is known that the Kemenkop UKM will get a budget ceiling of IDR 1.4 trillion in 2024.

Then, the budget for the ministry decreased to IDR 937.1 billion in 2025.

Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs (Menkop UKM) Teten Masduki said the ministry ceiling is like a budget for Echelon 3.

Teten said this when reading the budget allocation which was included in the working meeting (Raker) with Commission VI of the DPR RI with the Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan.

"So, Mr. Minister of Trade (Zulkifli Hasan) the Kemenkop UKM budget is echelon 3 at the Ministry of Social Affairs or at the Ministry of PUPR," said Teten at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, September 4.

He explained that the Rp937.1 billion budget was divided into a management support program of Rp388.2 billion and entrepreneurship, MSMEs and cooperatives of RP548.9 billion.

The realization of the 2024 budget as of September reached 51.14 percent.

The target by the end of this month is expected to reach 53.46 percent and in December it will reach 97.11 percent.

"The realization of the budget as of September is IDR 51.14 billion, this does look small because there are still implementations that will be completed in November and December. The target is in the third quarter of 53.46 percent, so we ensure (until) the end of December 97.11 percent absorption," explained Teten.

On that occasion, Teten explained that there were several obstacles in the implementation of the budget in the second quarter.

One of them is priority programs such as joint production houses to revitalizing the people's market which are still in the procurement or auction stage.

In addition, there are also related to the implementation of complete data collection that is still being implemented in 4 provinces. Discussion of the cooperative bill that has not yet begun.

"I discussed with the Minister of Law and Human Rights, he asked for priority in completing the cooperative bill," he said.

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