JAKARTA - Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Andi Amran Sulaiman compared the achievement of food self-sufficiency in the era of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) with the achievement in the era of President Soeharto, which were both extraordinary and able to meet the people's food needs.

"Self-sufficiency in the current government era (President Jokowi) was three times 2017-2019 and 2020 and there was no import of medium rice with a population ratio of 200 million (people). What does that mean? Our efforts are extraordinary if we want to compare them with 1984. I think Mr. Harto's food policy is great and the current government is also great," said the Minister of Agriculture in a statement in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, August 28.

The Minister of Agriculture referred to the definition of self-sufficiency used by the World Food Agency (Food and Agriculture Organization/FAO).

Based on FAO's stipulations in 1999, a country is said to be self-sufficient if its production reaches 90 percent of national needs.

He gave an example of self-sufficiency in 1984, imports were 400 thousand tons with a population comparison of more than 100 million.

The achievement of rice self-sufficiency occurred in President Jokowi's first term, namely in 2017 - 2020. At that time, rice production could have a surplus of 1.9 million tons to 2.85 million tons.

During President Jokowi's administration, the budget policy for the food sector was focused on meeting the needs of farmers, both in the form of agricultural facilities such as seeds and fertilizers, as well as intensification and mechanization by encouraging the provision of assistance for agricultural tools and machinery (alsintan).

The government's policy in the agricultural sector has made the Ministry of Agriculture successfully obtain the WTP predicate from the Audit Board of Indonesia (BPK).

"2016 was the first in the history of agriculture and it was in our era with our friends that all received WTP consecutively until the following year," said the Minister of Agriculture.

Therefore, the Minister of Agriculture requested that in the future there be additional budget to accelerate various programs to realize self-sufficiency and also world food insecurity.

The proposed additional budget of approximately IDR 68 trillion will be used for irrigation, fertilizer, seeds and other infrastructure.

"So this IDR 68 trillion budget does not stand alone, but is truly holistic from water to fertilizer, we will pay attention to it including pumps," said the Minister of Agriculture.

Previously, the Head of the National Food Agency (Bapanas) Arief Prasetyo Adi said that President Joko Widodo was scheduled to receive the Agricola Medal award from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

"The Food and Agriculture Organization or FAO will award the Agricola Medal to President Joko Widodo in the near future," said Arief in an official statement in Jakarta, Thursday (1/8).

Arief said that the Agricola Medal is an award given to the head of state, in this case the president, as a form of appreciation for Indonesia's food security.

The award, Arief continued, is scheduled to be presented by FAO to Indonesian President Joko Widodo on August 30, 2024.

Arief revealed that the last award from FAO was given to Indonesia 39 years ago, namely to President Soeharto.

"Well, we should be proud because this Agricola Medal was given because the President (Jokowi) of course together with all his staff, consistently fought hunger and poverty and strengthened food security and community nutrition," he continued.

Furthermore, Arief said, the Agricola Medal is FAO's recognition of the contribution and commitment to figures or heads of state who are considered to have made great efforts to improve community welfare and extraordinary support for FAO's fundamental goal of achieving universal food security.

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