JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Electricity Society (MKI) Evy Haryadi said that energy independence and resilience are the main foundations for driving sustainable economic growth.
However, to achieve this, Indonesia needs to maximize its abundant energy potential, especially New and Renewable Energy (EBT).
"It is not only fossil fuels that are changing resources. However, even more so is the potential for EBT resources, ranging from hydro, geothermal, wind, solar, and other new energy potentials," he said as quoted on Thursday, November 21.
Currently, the government is currently continuing to push its commitment to utilizing New and Renewable Energy (EBT) towards Net Zero Emission.
One of its commitments is realized through the Electricity Connect 2024 event entitled 'Go Beyond Power Energizing The Future' to strengthen cross-sector collaboration in accelerating the transition to New and Renewable Energy (EBT).
"The President has declared energy self-sufficiency as one of the pillars of Asta Cita which is a priority for the government of the Republic of Indonesia in the future," said Evy.
Electricity Connect 2024 is also designed to encourage investment in the green energy sector.
"We want to make this forum a consolidation space to align perceptions, strengthen synergies, and accelerate the development of superior human resources in the energy sector," added Evy.
Meanwhile, the Chairperson of the Electricity Connect 2024 Committee, Arsyadany G Akmalaputri, said that this event showcases various technologies and innovations that can help the government in supporting efforts to accelerate the clean energy transition.
"This year's EC (Electricity Connect) is a combination of events that will present an exhibition of digitalization of the electrical system, digitalization of household electrical appliances with IoT, future office, future EV Ecosystem, and other technological innovations that are insightful for the younger generation and professionals," he said.
For information, Electricity Connect 2024 will be held at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Central Jakarta on November 20-22, attended by more than 500 exhibitors and targeted to have 15,000 visitors from various professions which of course focus on the electricity sector.
This event is expected to be a momentum for stakeholders and electricity industry players to not only exchange information on clean energy technology.
But also share insights on smart grids to NZE targets, and strengthen global collaboration to achieve the energy transition towards NZE by 2060.
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