JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) held an Merdeka Festival at PUPR Park, Jakarta, today.

In his remarks, PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono explained the quality of drinking water in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN), East Kalimantan, which is currently in the checking stage for Sucofindo.

"God willing, and thank God Succofindo have given the code. I want the quality of drinking water in IKN to be better than the quality of bottled water," said Basuki at the PUPR Ministry Park, Jakarta, Tuesday, August 20.

Basuki hopes that the Nephelometric Turbidity Unit (NTU) or water level in IKN can be far below number 1. This means that the quality of water in IKN can exceed the threshold set by the government.

"And now the NTU is far below 1. If the Minister of Health's Decree (Minister of Health's Decree) NTU in (number) 3 can be drunk. But, in IKN, God willing, it will be below 1," he said.

"So, God willing (water in IKN) will be better," he continued.

In addition, Basuki said that currently the process of draining water by Moya was ongoing.

"To design, build and operate all SPAMs from IPA to reservoirs to tap water, we don't have experience yet. I ask to find people, Moya can help us with CSR. Now it's still being drained," explained Basuki.

Thus, Basuki claimed that living in IKN would prolong the lifespan of up to 10 years. This is because the level of air pollution is zero and the water is good.

"Environment to work may only be 5 minutes from house to office. So it is very healthy, especially for children. Our children now in Jakarta are prone to disease because the pollution is already very high," he added.

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