JAKARTA - The Indonesian Red and White Pertashop Association expects subsidized fuel price disparities (BBM) to be maintained and also stable so that Pertashop sales are not less competitive with illegal fuel sales. "I hope that there is a policy from the central government regarding fuel prices. What is fair in my opinion is that Pertalite and Bio Solar prices are raised, and Pertamax and Dexlite prices are lowered," said HPMPI General Chair Steven quoted by ANTARA, Monday, August 12. According to him, currently Pertamina Patra Niaga is making a policy, namely the price of Pertamax fuel in Pertashop is cheaper Rp200 per liter compared to gas stations. This aims to prevent Pertashop sales from being less competitive with retail. However, even though there has been a policy from Pertamina, Pertashop, which incidentally can only sell non-subsidized products Pertamax and Dexlite, will certainly remain affected by the increase in fuel prices for some time. "So, its disparity that must be maintained stable (distance of subsidized fuel with non-subsidized fuel should not be too far away), thus no long queues, illegal subsidized fuel retail also disappeared," he said. Previously, Pertamina Patra Niaga made a Pertamax price adjustment with the official new price valid at Pertamina gas stations on Saturday, August 10, 2024, at 00.00 local time. The adjustment of the price of non-subsidized fuel pertamina Patra Niaga refers to the trend in the average world oil publication or ICP and the rupiah exchange value against the United States (US) dollar.

Area Manager Communication, Relation & CSR Sumbagsel Tjahyo Nikho Indrawan explained that non-subsidized fuel prices have been adjusted by all business entities since early August 2024. With this adjustment, Pertamax prices are Rp. 14,000 per liter which applies to provinces with a motor vehicle fuel tax (PBBKB) of 7.5 percent, such as in the South Sumatra, Jambi, Lampung and Bangka Belitung regions. Meanwhile, for areas with a motor vehicle fuel tax (PBBKB) of 10 percent, for example, Pertamax price Bengkulu Province becomes Rp. 14,300 per liter.

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