JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) said the tobacco products industry (IHT) or cigarettes and food and drinks (mamin) would be affected by the implementation of Government Regulation (PP) Number 28 of 2024 as the implementing rule of Law 17/2024 concerning Health.
Spokesperson for the Ministry of Industry Febri Hendri Antoni Arif said that his party supports the policy that seeks to regulate public health. However, he did not deny that the policy would have an impact on industrial production.
"We certainly support it. That it has an impact on the industry for sure. Only now we (are thinking about) how to make its impact on production minimal," Febri told reporters, written Thursday, August 1.
Febri said that his party would re-negotiate with the industry in order to adjust to the applicable rules and work on industrial strategies to survive.
In this case, he highlighted the potential decline in the production of the cigarette and processing food industry which will be limited to sugar, salt and fat (GGL) content.
"It will have an impact on production, we will be concerned in production. Later we will sit together again, lah, with producers," said Febri.
In addition, Febri said it was possible that several industries had complained to the Ministry of Industry, although it had not yet been heard in his ears. He ensured that his party would find a solution to minimize the negative impact on the industry in the future.
On the same occasion, the Secretary of the Directorate General of Agro Industry, Yulia Astuti, said that the PP Health rules governing GGL control and the potential for excise duty for processed foods were not directly applied.
"Indeed, the new Health Law related to controlling GGL consumption in Article 194-195 does not apply immediately, it applies after two years since the determination of the maximum GGL content limit. So after that, the GGL will be applied. At the time of this discussion, we always involve industries related to content and packaging," he said.
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