Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi said a series of Autonomous Rail Transit (ART) or autonomous trams that will be run in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN), East Kalimantan, will undergo trials on August 5.

For your information, a series that has arrived in Indonesia is the Norinco Autonomous Tram (CRRC Zuzhou). The trend arrived in Balikpapan, on July 26, 2024 and is scheduled to enter IKN on August 1.

After arriving at IKN in early August, the autonomous tram will be tested internally, then continued with a trial with President Joko Widodo (Jokowi)

"One series has arrived. We will start on the 1st, and the 5th must be tested," he said when met in the Tendean area, Jakarta, Wednesday, July 31.

Previously, it was reported that the Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi said that the plan to implement the showcase or showcase would be held from October to December 2024.

"I hope all of this process can go according to plan. That way, autonomous trams can already operate at IKN on Independence Day on August 17, according to the direction of the President," he said.

Budi said that the operation of autonomous trams at the initial stage of IKN will function as feeder vehicles for participants in the Indonesian Independence Day ceremony.

This mode of transportation will operate on Jalan Sumbu Kebangsaan Barat and Jalan Rabu Kebangsaan Timur IKN with a cruising speed of 40 km per hour.

"Hopefully this autonomous tram can become one of the smart transportation icons in the IKN area. It is also hoped that autonomous trams can be applied in other cities in Indonesia, such as Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Makassar, to Medan," said Budi.

Regarding capacity, Budi said that one autonomous tram trainset has three carriages (cars) with a maximum capacity of 302 passengers.

This autonomous trend will operate clockwise, with a headway or waiting time of about 5 minutes.

The PUPR Ministry will soon build a bus stop to support the operation of autonomous trams. The bus stop to be built is not only useful as a place to climb passengers, but will also function as a place to carry out charging, "he said.

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