The Palm Oil Farmers Union (SPKS) stated that it continues to be committed to improving the quality of life and productivity of palm oil farmers throughout Indonesia through various consistent training and mentoring programs.

According to the Chairman of the National SPKS Sabarudin, this commitment is to maintain palm oil production, especially for self-help oil palm plantations, as well as to support the country's economy.

"Our main goal is to improve the welfare of oil palm farmers through improving governance and sustainability," he said in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Saturday, July 27.

He said his party had held various trainings to improve the competence of oil palm farmers, which each year includes 1,000 to 1,500 palm oil farmers spread across 22 districts.

The training includes cooperative management, finances, and good governance to support certification systems such as ISPO (Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil) and RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil).

"We provide various training materials, including pocket books, which are distributed free of charge to farmers. This step is part of our efforts to improve the quality of oil palm plantation management," said SabaRUdin in his statement.

SPKS also focuses on strengthening the institutions and legality of oil palm farmers' land, he continued, through mapping and collecting land collection to help farmers get legal certainty on their land, which is the basis for improving governance.

In addition, the union collaborated with local governments to help farmers obtain property certificates (STDB).

"Many self-help farmers do not have access to training services because they are not well recorded at the district or provincial level. We are trying to overcome this with a focus on those who need support," he said.

Terkait sejumlah upaya yang dilakukan tersebut SPKS memperoleh Anugerah Medbun Award 2024 sebagai "Organisasi Petani yang bekerja Real Menjadi Petani Sawit".

Sabarudin stated that with the acceptance of this appreciation, his party will continue to provide benefits and services to its members, as well as improve organizational performance in improving national palm oil governance.

"With this appreciation, we hope to improve the performance of the organization, including SPKS, in improving national oil palm governance in the future," he said.

On that occasion, SPKS also stated a commitment to support the government's program in achieving the ISPO certification target, which this year, SPKS targets nine cooperatives covering an area of around 7,000 hectares in various districts, including Kampar, North Aceh, and Sanggau with a total member of around 3,000 farmers to enter the ISPO certification process.

In addition to certification, he continued, his party also plays an active role in the people's oil palm rejuvenation program (PSR) with funding from the Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (PDPKS).

"With consistent support, we are committed to continuing to assist oil palm farmers in every step they lead to more productive and sustainable agriculture," said Sabarudin.

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