JAKARTA - Bank DKI consistently shows its commitment to supporting sustainable development goals (Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the realization of the Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) program. This time, through the inauguration of the Hydroponic Gardens in the Child Friendly Integrated Public Space (RPTRA) Cibubur, East Jakarta.

The CSR program is a continuation of the TJSL Bank DKI program which uses an ecopreneurship approach, namely Jakarta Hydroponic Cooperative (JAKONIK). This was conveyed by the President Director of Bank DKI, Agus H. Widodo in a written statement in Jakarta, Wednesday, July 24.

Agus said the Hydroponic Gardens Program at RPTRA Cibubur, East Jakarta was an effort to improve the community's economy through increasing environmental-based food security around the region.

"Bank DKI has a special focus on the CSR initiative which aims to empower local communities, and have a positive impact on welfare and improve the quality of life of the community," said Agus.

He also added that hydroponic gardens are a form of Bank DKI's support for the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) point 1, namely ending poverty in all forms, point 2 creating conditions without hunger, and point 15 increasing the sustainable use of the mainland ecosystem.

Through the JAKONIK program, members are equipped with training and assistance to maximize crop yields and hydroponic business management from upstream to downstream, with the scope of roles as hydroponic marketing centers, hydroponic business mentoring centers, education service providers, facilities and infrastructure providers such as fertilizers, seeds and equipment.

Bank DKI's hydroponic plantation program is one of the TJSL programs that has been consistently implemented since 2017 and is the result of collaboration between Bank DKI and a number of community residents. Previously, the TJSL Program for the Hydroponic Gardens of Bank DKI had been implemented in 10 (ten) locations, namely Jatinegara Kaum Flats, KS Tubun Flats, Jaturawasari Flats, Daan Mogot Flats, Cipinang Besar Flats, Pondok Bambu Flats, Tipar Cakung Flats, Tambora Tower Flats, Pulo Gebang Flats, and Rusunawa Pasar Rebo.

For information, for various CSR initiatives carried out consistently, Bank DKI received awards from various institutions throughout 2024, including the Indonesia Best CSR Award 2024 and ESG Recognited Commitment.

On a separate occasion, Bank DKI Corporate Secretary Arie Rinaldi added that JAKONIK is a form of Bank DKI's commitment to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles.

"As Bank DKI's leading CSR, JAKONIK is designed to be able to provide significant benefits for the surrounding community by improving the quality of life of the community through the local economy. JAKONIK's success is expected to be able to help reduce social inequality and improve the quality of life as a whole," concluded Arie.

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