PT PLN Energi Primary Indonesia (EPI) noted that the use of biomass consumption as a substitute for coal has generated electricity of around 1.5 to 2 percent of various steam power plants (PLTU) that have implemented the co-firing technology.

"If it is calculated from kWH production, we are about 1.5 to 2 percent of coal consumption," said PT PLN Primary Energy Indonesia President Director Iwan Agung Firstantara, reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 23.

According to him, by 2023 around 1 million tons of biomass will be burned as a substitute for coal to produce electricity.

In 2024, said Agung, it is targeted that 2.2 million tons of biomass will be burned to replace coal.

In the future, the consumption of biomass for fuel to replace coal is targeted to reach 10 million tons per year.

He added that commercial use of biomass as a substitute for coal has started since 2020.

Agung explained that the use of biomass from agricultural, plantation and forestry waste is believed to also encourage the community's economy.

"The results of the waste, such as sawdust wood, plantation waste, straw, and palm oil shells. In addition to reducing CO2, biomass can drive the community's economy," he said.

Meanwhile, the Director of Biomass at PT PLN Energi Primary Indonesia, Antonius Aris, added that biomass is the new renewable energy that provides reliable and stable supply the fastest.

The collection of raw biomass bahams, he said, would involve the community from upstream to downstream.

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