Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi said the coal mineral information system (Simbara) integrated with Inaportnet will increase port efficiency in Indonesia.

This was conveyed by Budi at the launch of the implementation of nickel and tin commodities through Simbara, quoted from the Ministry of Finance's YouTube, Jakarta, Monday, July 22.

Budi also said that Simbara's integration with Inaportnet will maintain smooth shipping and also avoid obstacles in operations.

"We hope that the use of the integration of Simbara and Ina Port will increase our productivity, and the process of arriving and departure of ships is safer, more efficient, maintaining smooth shipping and avoiding various operational constraints," said Budi.

Currently, continued Budi, Inaportnet has been implemented in 264 ports. Of these, 54 ports serve mineral and coal commodities.

Furthermore, Budi said that of the 54 ports that handled the mineral and coal, 20 of them provided benefits for countries with higher Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP).

"Integration of Inaportnet and the single submission system transport and speed up processes rather than electronic activities. We report that Pak Luhut and Mrs. Memkeu have implemented 264 ports in Indonesia," he said.

Budi believes that the development of Inaportnet will strengthen Simbara. In addition, it also increases efficiency, compliance, and monitoring of mineral content at ports.

"We feel that the cohesiveness between ministries/agencies provides a good meaning and makes our colleagues in the regions also excited to do it governance and increase the country's financial productivity," he explained.

Therefore, continued Budi, the launch of Simbara Plus is expected to be the first step to make the mineral and coal industry, including coal, nickel and lead more productive.

"We as members of transportation really appreciate what was initiated by the Coordinating Minister (Marves Luhut Pandjaitan) and the Minister of Finance (Sri Mulyani) so that things in the field become more orderly. We hope that this will be more detailed and of course we are ready to support this activity so that the benefits for the interests of the state can be felt," he said.

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