JAKARTA - Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan opened his voice regarding the large number of alleged raids on illegal imported goods in shopping centers. He said that no field activities had been carried out by the Task Force for Supervision of Certain Goods Subjected to Import Commercial Procedures.

The man who is familiarly called Zulhas said the task force for monitoring illegal imported goods had just been officially formed today.

He said the task force for monitoring illegal imported goods was also likely to be effective starting next week.

"Ada saya lihat ikutin di medsos ada yang berkembang pengawasan dilakukan di pusat-satapan perbelanja misalnya, itu sudah beberapa hari, kan satgasnya baru hari ini. Tentu juklak, juknis (perlu dikembangun lebih dahulu) mungkin paling paling cepat Selasa bekerja," ujarnya dalam konferensi pers, di Kantor Kemendag, Jakarta, Jumat, 19 Juli.

Zulhas admitted that there had been no official direction for the newly formed task force.

However, he said, if the raid was in accordance with the provisions, then it would not be a problem.

"So if there is a lot of news, the task force is new, it hasn't moved yet. But what if there is? Yes, it depends on the duties of each ministry. If it's according to the rules, go ahead," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan this afternoon had just officially formed a Task Force for Supervision of Certain Goods Subjected to the Import Commercial Procedure. The task force was formed based on Decree (SK) number 932 of 2024.

Zulhas said the decree on the formation of the Task Force has been effective starting today. Referring to the decree, there are 11 ministries/agencies and one employer's association involved in the task force.

The details are the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag); the Indonesian Attorney General's Office (Kejagung); Indonesian Police (Polri); Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu); Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin); Ministry of Law and Human Rights (KemenkumHAM) and the State Intelligence Agency (BIN).

Then, the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM); the Maritime Security Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (Bakamla); Indonesian Navy (AL) Provincial, Regency/City Office of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN).

The rise of products categorized as illegal is because it is far from the proper price and cannot be accounted for by SNI, and others. So there were layoffs, factory closures, and others. That's why we formed a Task Force," he said during a press conference, at the Ministry of Trade office, Jakarta, Friday, July 19.

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