YOGYAKARTA Each country has a different amount of labor wages. The determination of the amount of wages is based on many things such as economic growth, inflation, and other variables. Then where is the country with the lowest minimum wage this year?

Calculation of wages in various countries varies, some are calculated per hour, some are per month. The following is the order of the country that has the lowest minimum salary, reported from the global velocity site.

India has the lowest minimum wage. The amount of wages itself has been regulated in accordance with the 2019 Indian Wage Act. The law states that India's national minimum wage is 45 US dollars or around Rp. 742,772.00. However, the amount of wages was not evenly hit. Wages remain based on expertise, industry, and the company.

Nigeria's minimum wage is also quite tragic, although slightly higher than India, which is around 76 US dollars per month or equivalent to Rp1,231,785.20.

It should be noted that in Uzbekistan, the minimum wage is not nationally determined so that some regions have different regional minimum wages.

On the velocityglobal website, it is said that the country's wages are the lowest at Som Uzbekistan (UZS) of 980,000 or equivalent to Rp1,254,000.

In this country, the wage rate is also varied depending on the province. However, the average wage given is 25,000 Pakistani Rupees per month or equivalent to Rp1,454,000.

Indonesia is one of the countries with the lowest drinking wages. As is known, in this country the minimum wage varies from province to province. Yogakarta, for example, the Yogyakarta Regency Minimum Wage (UMK) in 2024 is IDR 2,492,997 per month.

The amount of wages given to workers in Ukraine is determined based on the territory and sector of work. Workers in Ukraine can get a minimum monthly salary of around 177 US dollars or equivalent to Rp2,868,869 per month.

Armenia is a small country with developing economic power. In this country, there are fewer job opportunities and less resources. The monthly minimum wage received by Armenian workers is also quite small, amounting to 187 US dollars or equivalent to Rp. 3,030,000 per month.

Kazakhstan is known as a country with quite abundant natural resources, but the minimum wage is quite low compared to neighboring countries in Central Asia. The monthly minimum wage received in this country is around US$188 per month or equivalent to Rp3,047,000.

There are two types of wages applied in Vietnam, namely the general monthly minimum wage and the Regional Minimum Wage. The monthly minimum wage usually only applies to civil servants. They get a salary of around 73 United States dollars or equivalent to Rp1,183,205.

Meanwhile, the monthly minimum wage applies to private employees with the amount of around US$202 per month or around Rp3,274,076 depending on the area.

The Philippines has determined the minimum wage by region. However, in the capital area, the wage received is around 229 US dollars per month or equivalent to Rp. 3,711,700.

That's the country with the lowest minimum wage to know. Visit VOI.id to get more interesting information.

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