JAKARTA - Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs Teten Masduki believes that the red oil factory will not lose because it has been integrated, starting from plantations, production, to circulating in the market.

During the groundbreaking of the construction of a palm oil and red food mill at KUD Sumber Makmur, Bukit Gajah Village, Pelalawan Regency, Riau, Friday, Teten said that red food oil had been known and attracted businessmen in Malaysia.

He also said there was no need to worry because the red food oil factory was only owned and managed by cooperatives, not by large businesses.

"Therefore, it is important for cooperatives to manage factories professionally," he said, in a press release from the Kemenkop UKM, quoted by Antara, Friday, July 12.

He added that the Kemenkop UKM will provide training and assistance for cooperatives to be able to manage factories professionally. According to him, competent human resources are important in managing and increasing the existence of factories so that red food oil is competitive.

Lebih dari itu, Teten berharap pabrik minyak makanan merah milik korupsi ini bisa menjadi sarana bagi para petani sawit untuk naik kelas.

"Don't continue to be a farmer, but must have become an industrialist," he said.

Teten is optimistic that the construction of a red food oil factory in Pelalawan will be completed in no more than four months. The financing will be supported by revolving funds from the Revolving Fund Management Agency (LPDB) for Cooperatives and MSMEs or LPDB-KUMKM.

From a health perspective, Teten emphasized that red food oil has been tested and obtained a distribution permit from BPOM. The oil contains high vitamins E and A, so the nutritional value is very good for stunting alleviation.

On the same occasion, Pelalawan Regent Zukri said that the potential for palm oil in Riau Province, especially Pelalawan, is very large. Therefore, he hopes that the construction of a red palm oil and cooking oil mill managed by cooperatives will not be the only one.

"We will look for cooperatives that are independent and healthy, such as the Sumber Makmur KUD, so that they can build 2-3 more red food oil factories," said Zukri.

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