The Task Force for Handling State Claims for the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Fund (BLBI) confiscated two former BLBI property assets and confiscated other assets related to debtors/obligors with a total value of Rp48.8 billion.

"In the second week of July 2024, the BLBI Task Force has physically controlled ex-BLBI property assets and confiscated other assets with a total estimated value of IDR 48.8 billion based on the selling value of the land tax object (NJOP)," said Head of the BLBI Task Force Rionald Silaban, in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Thursday, July 11.

The first confiscation is for other assets related to the debtor of PT Linolen Sari Nabati Murni in the form of 58 plots of land covering an area of 5,085 m2 and everything above it which is located in Duren Village Housing, South Sudimara Village, Ciledug District, Tangerang City with an estimated value of Rp40 billion.

The confiscation was carried out in the context of debt settlement to the state, which until now has not been completed worth Rp31.31 billion, including the Administrative Cost of State Receivable Management of 10 percent. The confiscation was carried out by the BLBI Task Force with the bailiff of the Tangerang II State Property and Auction Service Office (KPKNL).

The next confiscation is the physical control of property assets of the former National Bank Restructuring Agency (BPPN) through the installation of signposts over six plots of land covering an area of 83,244 m2 located in Pematang Panjang Village, Sungai Tabuk District, Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan Province.

The assets came from the Secured Goods Taken Over (BJDA) of the former Setia Komantama/Bank PDFCI BTO with an estimated value of IDR 4.8 billion.

Rionald ensured that the BLBI Task Force would continue to make ongoing efforts to ensure the return of state collection rights through a series of efforts, such as blocking, confiscation, and selling of obligor/debtor assets which are guarantees and other assets owned by obligors/debtors.

The collateral belonging to debtors/obligors that have been confiscated will continue with the management process through the mechanism of the State Receivables Affairs Committee (PUPN), namely that sales are made openly through auctions and/or other settlements.

Against ex-BLBI property assets that have been physically controlled, management will then be optimized in accordance with applicable regulations. For the next stage, the BLBI Task Force has planned acts of physical control over property assets spread across various cities/regencies in Indonesia," he also said.

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