JAKARTA - Minister of Industry (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita is pleased with the approval of the extension of the Certain Natural Gas Price (HGBT) program of 6 US dollars per Million British Thermal Unit (MMBTU) to a number of industrial sectors.

This extension was approved by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) based on the results of the limited meeting (ratas) yesterday.

Minister of Industry Agus said the decision was not an easy struggle for his party and industry players.

So far, Agus views, there are great powers that stem the implementation of the HGBT program.

"HGBT is a very, very tough struggle to be honest. What we are facing is a very big force to stem the HGBT program, not to make the HGBT program a success. But, we at the Ministry of Industry will never give up and never give up," Agus told reporters, Tuesday, July 9.

"And thank God we were brought in yesterday's meeting, we can report that the president not only approved the extension of the HGBT program, but the president agreed to add sectors outside the seven sectors," he added.

Not only approving the extension, Agus added, Jokowi also agreed to the expansion of the HGBT program from the original target of only seven sectors.

The seven sectors include the fertilizer, petrochemical, oleochemical, steel, ceramics, glass glasses and rubber gloves industry.

"For the addition of sectors outside the seven sectors, it must be studied more deeply," he said.

In addition to encouraging the extension of the HGBT, his party has also proposed to Jokowi for the formation of a Draft Government Regulation (RPP) on Natural Gas for Domestic Needs.

His struggle has also paid off, now the RPP has also been approved by Jokowi.

"Two years we struggled, not easy because what we faced were the same people we faced in fighting for HGBT. So, it was not easy. But, thank God, the president yesterday agreed to the formation of the RPP Gas for Domestic Needs," he said.

According to Agus, the RPP Gas for Domestic Needs will basically regulate gas management for industrial interests and energy source interests.

"So, not only for industrial needs but also for the benefit of electricity in Indonesia," he added.

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