YOGYAKARTA In this article, the criteria for the poor according to BPS (Central Statistics Agency) RI will be discussed.

It is known, on July 1, 2024, BPS released Indonesia's poverty profile. In the report, the poor in the March 2024 period reached 9.03 percent or 25.22 million people.

This figure decreased by 0.33 percent or 0.68 million people against March 2023 and decreased by 0.54 percent or 1.13 million people against September 2022.

The BPS report can be used as a reference to determine whether a resident is categorized as poor or not.

So, what are the criteria for the poor according to BPS? Check out the full information below.

According to BPS, what is meant by the poor is that people who have an average monthly expenditure below the poverty line.

The poverty line is defined as a minimum expenditure value for food needs and not food that must be met so as not to fall into the poor category.

According to BPS records, the poverty line for the March 2024 period is IDR 582,932 per capita per month.

Furthermore, the national poverty line is divided into two components, including:

Thus, every Indonesian citizen whose monthly expenses are less than nominal will be included in the criteria for the poor.

BPS claims, the poverty line for this period rose 5.90 percent compared to March 2023, and increased by 8.85 percent when compared to September 2022.

In urban communities, the minimum expenditure value to meet the needs so as not to be included in the criteria for the poor is:

Meanwhile, in rural communities, the poverty line is slightly lower than the national and urban line numbers. The value is as large as:

In the BPS release, the average poor household in Indonesia has 4.78 members. Thus, the magnitude of the poverty line per household is IDR 2,786,415 per household per month.

Households with monthly expenses less than that number will be included in the criteria for poor households.

However, the minimum amount of expenditure for household needs so as not to be included in the criteria for poor increases by 7.47 percent on an annual basis (year-on-year/yoy).

In March 2023, BPS reported an average poverty line per household of IDR 2,592,657 per month.

That's information about the criteria for the poor according to BPS. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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