JAKARTA - The Indonesia National Air Carriers Association (INACA) asked the government for aviation industry workers to get priority for the COVID-19 vaccine. The goal is that the aviation industry can serve maximally without becoming a medium for transmitting the virus and encouraging recovery in this sector.

INACA Chairperson Denon Prawiraatmadja said the plan was that soon workers in the aviation industry would immediately receive an injection of the COVID-19 vaccine.

"There are main points that we convey to the government. Request for all our employees to be vaccinated so they can work without becoming an additional medium of transmission. Our request, Insyallah April, will be made, prioritizing workers in the field", he said at the PHRI National Working Meeting, Thursday, March 18.

Denon hopes that this year will be a year of optimism for the aviation industry after previously being hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, he said, this needed to be supported by concrete steps between the aviation industry and the government.

On the same occasion, Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno said he would continue to strive for priority vaccinations for the tourism sector, including in this case the aviation industry.

Furthermore, Sandi said this vaccination could reduce the transmission of COVID-19. However, it is not enough to rely solely on vaccines, health protocols must still be implemented.

"The vaccine will run. Jakarta is not all yet. Bali and Yogyakarta are finished. Jakarta for tourism I will encourage. There is already a clear point", he said.

The former Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta said vaccination for the tourism and aviation sectors in Jabodetabek (DKI Jakarta and its surroundings) would also be a priority. Because Sandiaga assessed that hotels and restaurants also intersect with the public.

"Jabodetabek will also be prioritized. Hotel restaurants intersect with the public. Some from INACA were already done, Air Asia not yet, pilots first, cabin crew first. Risk-based vaccine delivery", he said.

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