JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) continues to make improvements to Type A passenger terminal facilities throughout Indonesia. It is recorded that 38 terminals have been revitalized from 2019 to 2023.

Director General of Land Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation Risyapudin Nurdin explained that the type A passenger terminal which is currently managed by the central government through the Ministry of Transportation is mostly the result of the transfer of assets from local governments.

Furthermore, he said the total terminal of Type A passengers in Indonesia reached 128 terminals. A total of 112 terminals have been submitted to the Ministry of Transportation through the Directorate General of Hubdat, 7 terminals under the authority of BPTJ, 2 terminals under the Special Transportation Agency for the Capital City and 7 terminals have not yet been submitted.

"The total number of terminals that have been revitalized currently is 38 terminals," he said during a meeting with Commission V of the DPR, at the DPR Building, Jakarta, Thursday, July 4.

In 2019, he said, the revitalization was carried out for one terminal. Then, in 2020 there were five terminals. Then, in 2021 as many as six terminals were successfully revitalized. In 2022 the number of terminals that were revitalized was 12 terminals, and in 2023 there were 13 terminals.

The impact given from revitalization activities is the improvement of facilities at the terminal. This condition aims to increase the interest of people to travel using mass transportation from the terminal. Slowly but surely the increase in the number of community visits at the terminal has begun to be seen since the revitalization activity," he explained.

For the number of vehicles, he continued, before the revitalization was recorded at 3,060,584. After the revitalization was recorded, the number of vehicles was recorded at 3,250,741.

As for visitors, after the revitalization, there were 31,323,715 people recorded from the previous 28,363,632 people.

"The terminal revitalization activity requires support from all elements of the organizers and transportation operators who are at the terminal to maintain and ensure that the minimum service standards that must be provided can be carried out properly," he said.

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