Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati asked members of the House of Representatives (DPR) to help oversee the implementation of the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN).

"There are many examples of countries in the world that are unable to manage and maintain the state budget in a healthy and precise manner, thus becoming a source of a sustainable crisis," he said in a speech on the Submission of the Principles of Government Information on the Bill on Accountability for the Implementation of the State Budget for Fiscal Year 2023 at the 20th Plenary Meeting, Thursday, July 4.

Sri Mulyani said that the state budget is a very important and strategic policy instrument for a country to achieve its goals.

He said, the state budget must always be maintained so that it remains healthy, sustainable, and credible so that it is effective in solving the nation's problems, and not even becoming a source of problems or even creating crises.

Sri Mulyani assessed that Indonesia has so far been able to maintain the management of the APBN in a transparent, credible and accountable manner, as a form of government accountability to its people.

This is in accordance with Law Number 17 of 2003 concerning State Finance, the State Budget Bill is submitted by the Government to the DPR in the form of financial statements that have been examined by the BPK.

"BPK provides the best assessment of the accountability for the implementation of the State Budget for Fiscal Year 2023, namely in the form of Unqualified Opinions (WTP) on the Financial Statements of the Central Government (LKPP) in 2023," he said.

Sri Mulyani said, with various policies implemented, the Indonesian economy was proven to be resilient in facing challenges throughout 2023.

"The maintenance of inflation has an impact on people's purchasing power which remains strong in 2023 so that it can support economic growth performance, which remains above 5 percent, namely 5.05 percent, amid declining export contribution due to the weakening of the global economy," he said.

According to Sri Mulyani, the strong growth performance was also followed by maintaining price stability.

The inflation rate in 2023 is controlled at the level of 2.6 percent (yoy), lower than the previous year (5.5 percent).

"Indonesia's inflation rate is much better than some countries that are still struggling to control inflation in their country, including Russia 7.4 percent, Turkey at the level of 64.8 percent, and even Argentina which is increasingly depressed at the level of 211.4 percent (yoy)," he added.

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