JAKARTA - Garuda Indonesia President Director Irfan Setiaputra advised people who want to vacation on the Island of the Gods, Bali, to buy tickets for Garuda Indonesia planes on Sunday.

The reason is because there is a special discount for flight tickets to Bali on certain days, one of which is on Sundays.

"Indeed, for domestic logging, on certain routes, on certain days, at certain hours, we do lower the ticket price quite deeply. I take the example as Bali. Bali is always a class price of Rp1,900,000 for the economy. On Sundays, if you go to Bali, it can be Rp1,300,000. Now. One (time) road, "he said in a hearing with Commission VI of the DPR, at the DPR Building, Jakarta, Wednesday, July 3.

If you want to get a ticket home at a low price, he said, people can go home on Thursday.

He said the ticket price price price priced at Rp1,300,000 for one road.

"The return is Thursday Rp1,300,000, if on another day (the ticket price) is still Rp1,900,000," he explained.

In addition to discounting plane tickets, Irfan said that his party is also collaborating with several hotels in Bali to provide special discounts to Garuda Indonesia passengers who come on Sundays and return home on Thursday.

"So we also want to launch the campaign The Best Time to Go to Bali is coming on Sunday, let's go on Thursday," he said.

Irfan explained that this campaign program was motivated because the majority of people tended to travel to the Island of the Gods on Friday. So that on certain days the flight is empty.

"Everyone left on Friday. If you want to go cheap, you go home on Sunday, Thursday," he explained.

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