JAKARTA - Passengers of the Jabodetabek Electric Rail Train (KRL) are expected to reach 410 million people by 2027.

Therefore, it takes an additional 37 trainsets or a series of trains to accommodate the increase in passengers.

KAI President Director Didiek Hartantyo revealed that the user's need for Jabodetabek KRL facilities is very large, even experiencing a 24 percent increase every year.

Therefore, Didiek said that the procurement of KRL facilities is currently very urgent to anticipate an increase in the number of passengers and the increase in KRL facilities entering a period of conservation or retirement.

"For this reason, a procurement is needed for reimbursement, so that until 2027, around 37 trainsets are needed, the majority of which are over 30 years old," he said at a Hearing Meeting with Commission XI of the DPR at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Monday, July 1.

Furthermore, Didiek said. The repplacement of trains that will be conserved is 1,088 units that are 30 years old or older so that a replacement is needed.

"The trains that are currently operating when we import are not new trains and it is also necessary to have a certain number of trainsets for maintenance or maintenance and backup," he explained.

On the other hand, Didiek explained the density of passengers both on the KRL and at the station which caused a decrease in the level of comfort.

This includes an increase in the risk to the safety of passengers.

Therefore, Didiek said that the additional approval of PMN in 2024 to PT KAI was Rp. 2 trillion for the procurement needs of KRL facilities to be something very urgent.

"This PMN benefit is beneficial not only for the community, for companies, and for the government. For the community, there is an efficient, modern, safe, comfortable, pandemic, and affordable transportation capital floor," he said.

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