JAKARTA - Fisheries are one of the priority business lines that will be strengthened by the Food SOE Holding ID FOOD. This is in order to contribute to the growth of the national marine and fisheries sector as a leading sector for the country's foreign exchange contributors.

This was conveyed by VP Corporate Secretary of PT Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia (Persero)/ ID FOOD Yosdian Adi Pramono through his official statement, Monday, July 1, in Jakarta. His party said ID FOOD through PT Perikanan Indonesia had prepared a strategic plan for developing the fishery business.

"One of them is increasing exports of imported value fishery commodities, increasing customers, and opening up new export markets," he said.

Yosdian said that the export of imported value fishery commodities was carried out through the intensification of the tuna loin and octopus export programs.

"Tuna and octopus are two leading commodities of PT Perikanan Indonesia that have been exported to a number of countries," he explained.

In 2023, PT Perikanan Indonesia has succeeded in increasing its export volume by 97 percent or the equivalent of 573 tons, which is carried out to 6 destination countries by cooperating with 10 buyers.

"This growth in export figures is part of the company's seriousness in strengthening the fishing business line according to the direction of the Director of ID FOOD. Currently, Food SOE Holding manages 3 main business lines, namely agriculture and agroindustry, livestock and fisheries, as well as trade and logistics," he said.

To date, the export of fishery and marine products from PT Perikanan Indonesia has reached the market share to 11 countries, namely the United States, Japan, Thailand, the Philippines, China, Vietnam, Singapore, South Korea, Malaysia, Australia, and Sri Lanka.

The commodities that have been exported include Octopus, Tuna, Cacalang, Kembung Fish, Piring Glass Fish, Bottlefish, Kite, and Marlin, "explained Yosdian.

Meanwhile, for fishing activities, PT Perikanan Indonesia focuses on 7 main fishery commodities, including Tongkol, Cacalang, Tuna, Layang, Kembung, Tenggiri, and Cephalopod (gurita, squid and sotong).

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