JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) said that religious community organization enterprises (ormas) that manage special mining business permits (WIUPK) are required to pay for Data and Information Compensation (KDI), as are other mining area managers.

"So, later when it is determined who will use the area, of course there is an obligation to pay what is called KDI or Compensation of Data and Information," said Expert Staff for Economic Natural Resources of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Lana Saria as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, June 26.

This obligation will be contained in the revision of Presidential Regulation Number 70 of 2023 concerning Land Allocation for Investment Arrangements, initiated by the Ministry of Investment/Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM).

The obligation of religious mass organizations to pay KDI shows that there is no special treatment for religious organizations in managing WIUPK related to KDI payments.

This is because other business entities that manage mining areas are also required to pay KDI.

The payment will go into the state treasury and is calculated as non-tax state revenue.

In the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 23.K/MB.01/MEM.B/2023 concerning Formula, Calculation of Compensation Prices for Information Data on Mining Business Permit Areas (WIUP) and Special Mining Business Permit Areas (WIUPK), it is regulated regarding the calculation of the KDI which must be paid by the mining area manager.

In addition to the obligation to pay KDI, the revision of Presidential Regulation Number 70 of 2023 will also regulate the application for permits by religious organizations in the form of business entities, IUPK and/or share ownership of religious community organizations in Business Entities cannot be transferred and/or transferred without the minister's approval.

The revision will also regulate the issue of share ownership of religious organizations in business entities that must be majority and be controlling, regulating restrictions for business entities to cooperate with previous PKP2B holders and/or affiliates.

The revision will also regulate the limitation of the WIUPK offering period, which is valid within five years of the enactment of Government Regulation (PP) 25/2024 concerning Mineral and Coal Business Activities.

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