JAKARTA - Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati reminded the public to increase financial literacy. This is so that it can filter information from cyber crime risks, especially online loans (pinjol) and online gambling (judol).

Digital technology provides easy access to information, so people who are less literate in terms of finance become very vulnerable objects. If we ourselves have no defense, we will be victims," said the state treasurer quoting Antara.

One of the most obvious characteristics of cyber financial crime is the offer of profit many times higher than the capital spent.

Sri Mulyani emphasized that it is impossible to provide benefits that are too abundant.

"It's exploitation. If the offer is too beautiful, check many times to know if it's true or not. Then, think rationally," he said.

Untuk itu, Menkeu mendukung program OJK yang secara aktif memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakat, seperti program Bundaku (Ibu, Anak, dan Keluarga Kakap Keuangan) yang menyasar kelompok perempuan.

She argues that women have a crucial role in disseminating understanding of financial literacy.

"RA Kartini has spoken literacy, and she is very confident that women who are given access to information will be able to educate their children for the better, so that they can create a better civilization," he said.

Program Bundaku merupakan program peningkatan literasi keuangan melalui pemberdayaan komunitas ibu dan perempuan sebagai Duta Literasi Keuangan.

The purpose of the program is to increase understanding and knowledge of financial products and services, get the success story of female figures as inspiration for life, print Financial Literacy Ambassadors from community-based mothers and women, improve family welfare, and prevent the public from financial fraud.

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