JAKARTA The leadership of the Yeka Hendra Fatika Ombudsman visited several points at the Elpiji Bulk Filling Station (SPBE) and directly inspected the distribution of 3 kilograms of LPG (kg) in the Yogyakarta area.

He was accompanied by VP Retail Sales LPG Pertamina Patra Niaga Putut Andriatno, Coordinator of Subsidy for Oil and Gas Subsidy of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Christina Meinati Sinaga and Head of the Legal Metrology Supervision Team and Community Empowerment of the Ministry of Trade, Friday, June 21.

The working visit was closed with Focus Group Discussion (FGD) monitoring the distribution of 3KG LPG together with representatives from MSME actors, fishermen, farmers, SPBE representatives and 3Kg LPG bases at the Yogyakarta Sales Area Office of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga, Jl. Margo Utomo No.20, Yogyakarta.

Yeka Hendra Fatika assessed that, in general, the issue of scales was not an issue in this visit, all of which were not shortfalls or even excess scales.

"SPBE has implemented all procedures, damaged tubes and expired were immediately repaired. The leaking tube has been removed. People really get LPG cylinders with quality and safety guarantees that can be accounted for," Yeka explained, Friday, June 21.

VP Retail LPG Sales PT Pertamina Patra Niaga, Putut Andriatno revealed, this direct visit to SPBE and Pangkalan aims to see firsthand the condition of the distribution of LPG, especially subsidized LPG.

"The main goal is to see the distribution process of LPG starting from SPBE to base. Thank God the results of visits in the field are in accordance with applicable regulations," said Putut

"In the SPBE, measurements and balances are carried out. The results are in accordance with applicable regulations. At the base we have also seen the situation and service conditions at the base are good, the stock is there, then also weighing is carried out and the results thank God are good," said Putut.

"As a company that is given an assignment by the Government to distribute 3 kg of LPG, we are committed and trying our best so that people receive 3 kg of LPG according to their rights. So people receive LPG easily and with heavy conditions according to the provisions," added Putut.

In the direct review process, the Ombudsman leadership and his entourage also checked the implementation of 3 kg LPG consumer data collection.

"In order to make the distribution of 3 kg LPG on target with the LPG Proper Subsidy program, Pertamina also hopes for cooperation with related parties such as the Regional Government and the Department of Industry and Trade (Disperindag) to participate in monitoring the distribution of LPG including LPG 3 kg," explained Brasto Galih Nugroho, Area Manager Communication, Relation & CSR Pertamina Patra Niaga Central Java Regional.

Meanwhile, Pertamina Patra Niaga Corporate Secretary Irto Ginting said that Pertamina Patra Niaga will continue to increase synergy with the Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and the State Supervisory Agency, namely the Ombudsman, not only under supervision, but also improving the system so that the distribution of 3 kg LPG goes well starting to fill in SPBE to the public.

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