JAKARTA - The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) predicts that the movement of domestic tourists (wisnus) will increase by 10-20 percent during the school holiday season which will take place in June 'July.

"If this school holiday is predicted to increase visits by 10-20 percent compared to normal days," said Adyatama of Tourism and Creative Economy, the Main Expert of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Nia Niscaya, written Thursday, June 20.

Nia said, it is necessary to prepare in terms of industry players and destination managers. According to him, one of the things that needs to be considered is the possibility of buildup in one place in the same period.

He advised the management to handle this well, thus providing the best experience for visitors because the tourism industry is the perception business.

"When the experience is not good, it's even disastrous. Because people will share about their unpleasant experiences and will not come back," he said.

He asked tourism industry players to maintain safety, safety and health.

"Because, the success of the promotion is when people come and come again," said Nia.

Regarding security, he said, managers are expected to use the Visitor Management Technique, especially to monitor crowd points, use of rides or tourist attractions in accordance with the carrying capacity, and availability of evacuation routes.

"Don't let there be a crowd crowd at one point, but it's not monitored," he explained.

He asked the management of tourist destinations to install a gathering point marker.

So that when a disaster occurs, tourists know where to run.

"Then what is no less important is paying attention to weather changes, as always conveyed by BMKG," he said.

In addition, Nia asked the managers to always coordinate with various parties to maintain a conducive holiday atmosphere.

With a conducive atmosphere, he believes tourists will visit back to the destination.

"We also urge parents to take care of their children. Please look at the choices of attractions or destinations. For those who bring small children, do not lose their children," he concluded.

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